Volltext: Monatszeitschrift II (1899 / Heft 10)

bondon, 15 Piccadilly, W. 
uns rho plcasurc T0 offer T0 Ärf Connaisseurs The following 
imporrant works aT thc prices afüxed. 
 one volume, folio, giving xeproducxions of xhe gg superb 
' Drawings of fulI-Iength Costume fxgures, with an illuslrated 
descriplive (ext by SIDNEY COLVIN, Keeper of xhe Prints in the British Museum, 
extra cloth 1898 
f xo. xos 
Only 300 CQpICS wer: producnd; max: Khan half are Sold K0 Subscribexs 
,'_ Prospectuses gratis 
  The Decoraxive or Artistic Ceramic Work, in colour 
and relief, invemed and pxoduced by josrAx-x WEDG- 
WOOD, F. R. 5., etc., a: Etruria, in Staffordshire, x76o-x7g4. With 67 full-page 
illustralions in xhe colour of the Originals, and smaller wood-blocks. Biographical 
and descriptive chapters, a [ist cf marks used a! Etruria and explanalory {ext m 
each object illustrated by FREDERICK RATHBONE, x vol. impl. folio,wixh 67 colou- 
xed plates, Clolh x898 
f m. xos 
Only zoo capies wer: prixxtcd: more Khan mm are Sold m Subscribers 
_'_ A Prospectus gratis 
SCHREIBER (Iaady Charlotte) Gnglish Fans "d Fa" 
Collecxed and described, wich x60 plates, folio, hf. morocco x89: 
Published a: 1' 7. 7: Not sold separately 
_ Foreign Fans and Fan Leaves, French, Italian and Gerrnan, x50 plates, 
folio. hf. bd. morocco x893 
Published a! .1!" 7. 7x 
Reduced to f 3. 3: 
- these two works together, z vols. folio, hf. morocco 
Published a! 1' x4. 14x Reduced w f 7. 7: 
OI xoo copies printed, unly a Iimited number remnin Ior sale 
' A Pxospectus gratis 
SCHREIBER (Isady Charlotte) Playing Cards 0' "aüßus 
Ages and 
Counxries, 3 vols. folio, 47g plates, hf. moxocco 1892-93 
Published at f xx. os 6d Reduced lo 2' 6. 6: 
Spccimens Irom Lady Chaxlotte Schreibens CoIIection, xoo copies printed 
V01. x. English, Scoxch, Dutch, Flemish, x44 plaxes 
Published a! 25' 3. I3: 6d 
Not sold separaxely 
Vol. II. French and German, x56 plates 
Published a1 1' 3. x3s 6d Reduced to 26' 2. 2: 
V0], III. Swiss, Swedish, Russian, Polish, Italian, Spanish and Portu- 
guese, and other Coumries, x49 plares 
Published at f 3. x3s 6d 
Reduced to f, 2. 2x 
l'Armurie Royale, 
Iolio, 5c phoxo-lixhographic plates of Swedish Armour and Weapons, xhe text by 
Ossbahr, in Swedish and French, cloth Stockholm 1897 
i" 2. 8: 
Only a few copicS wen: pxivately prinlcd. This is m: only authentic work an Scandinavian 
Arms and Axmour. 
r Äll {he aboue Mark; may be yeen und boughf a! Xerren Gerold Q Camp 
Sfephangplat}, Wien.


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