Volltext: Katalog der Bibliothek des K. K. Österreichischen Museums für Kunst und Industrie, Gruppe XIII: Tonwarenfabrikation (Keramik)

Allgemeine Werke 
vom städtischen Gewerbemuseum in Lemberg. 
2 Hefte. Lemberg, 1882, 1889. Fol. (6674.) 
VASCONCELLOS, Joaquim de. Ceramica Portu- 
gueza. Serie II. (Historia da Arte em Portugal, 
quarto Estudo.) Porto, typographia Elzeviriana, 
1884. 8°. (8223.) 
WARING, J. B. Ceramic Art in remote ages; with 
Essays on the Symbols of the circle, the cross 
and circle, the circle and ray Ornament, the 
fylvot and the serpent, showing their relation 
to the primitive forms of solar and nature 
worship. London, Day, 1874. Fol. (4591.) 
— Examples of Pottery and Porcelain, selected 
from the Royal and other Collections. Chromo- 
lithographed by F. Bedford. Drawings on wood 
by R. C. Dudley. With an Essay by J. C. 
Robinson. London, Day & Son, o. J. Fol. (3660.) 
WECKHERLIN, M. W. de. Vases en Gres des 
XVI e et XVII e Siecles composant la Collection 
de M. W. Weckherlin. La Haye, Martinus 
Nijhoff, 1860. Fol. (3233.) 
WHEATLEY, Henry B. and Philip H. DELA- 
MOTTE. Art work in Earthenware. London, 
Sampson Low, Marston, Searle & Rivington, 
1882. 8°. (7374-) 
ZIEGLER, J. Etudes ceramiques. Recherche des 
Principes du Beau dans l’Architecture, l’Art 
ceramique et la Forme en general; Theorie de la 
Coloration des Reliefs. Mit Atlas in Folio. Paris, 
Paulin, 1850. 8°. (1123.)


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