Volltext: Ausstellung neuer amerikanischer Baukunst

20. Architeciure Toscane ou Palais Maisons el Aulres Edifices de 
la Toscane Mesures et Dessines par A. Grandjean de Montignv 
et A. Famin, Vol. I. New York 1913 
21. Harold Donaldson Eberlein, Villas of Florence and Tuscany, 
New York 1922 
22. Mildred Stapley and Arthur Byne, Spanish Gardens and Patitios, 
New York 1924 
23. John Bullochs, The American Cottage Biiilder, New York 1854 
24. Royal Cortissoz, American Artists, New York 1923 
25. Royal Cortissoz, The Architecture of John Russell Pope 
26. Schuyler van Rensselaer, Henry Holson Richardson, Boston 1888 
27. Ellgn Susan Bulfinch, The Life and Leiters of Charles Bulfinch, 
New York 1896 
28. A. H. Granger, Charles Folien Mc Kim, Boston 1915 
29. F. Consius and P. M. Riley, Samuel Mc Intire his life and work, 
Boston 1916 
30. Charles Moore, Daniel H. Burnham, New York 1921 
31. Betram Grosvenor Gooddhue Architect and Master of Many 
Arts, New York 1925 
52. A Monograph of the work of Mc Kim Mead & Whithe, Vol. I, 
II, III, New York 1879—1909 
32a. A Monograph of the work of Mc Kim Mead & Whithe, Student’s 
Edition, Vol. I, 11 
33. A Monograph of the work of Mc Kim Mead & Whithe, by C. H. 
Reilly, London 1924 
34. Delano & Aldrich, Ten country houses, drawn by Chester B. Price, 
New York 1924 
35. Architectural Catalogue. April 1923. Arthur Loomis Harmon 
.36. Sullivan, Autobiography of an idea, New York 1924 
37. Irving K. Pond Architect, The Meaning of Architecture, Boston 
38. Claude Bragdon, The beauiiful necessity, New York 
39. Ralph Adams Cram, Thomas Hastings, Claude Bragdon, Six 
Lectures on Architecture, Chicago 1915 
40. Lewis Mumford, Sticks and Stones, New York 1924


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