Volltext: The world's fairs - Letters on international exhibitions by a commissionner to Vienna in 1873

— 7 — 
The International Exhibition at Paris 
has hardly closed, and already we hear of 
a project to organise a new one at New 
York. Those couutries, which have 
as yet not had their own great in 
ternational exhibitions, particularly Ger- 
many and Italy, are in all probability like- 
wise maturing their plans at the present 
time. The raoment is therefore well chosen 
ibr a retrospective glance at the salient 
features of our past exhibition experience. 
It is the opinion of inany, that inter 
national exhibitions, or as they may be 
mure appropriately termed to dietinguish 
the in from special exhibitions, Universal 
Exhibitions, are becoming too frequent. A 
lapse of ten years has been very generally 
considereii necessary, in order to allow of 
such improveinents and new inventions


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