MR-BERH-OUARITQH bondon, 15 Piccadilly, W. has fhe plcasurc T0 otfer I0 Hrr COIIIIGISSCLIFS rhc following important works a? the priccs afüxcd. The English Pound Sterling is equivalent 10 12 Auslrian Horins. FINIGUGRRNS FIQORGNTING PICTURE one volume, folio, giving reproductions of the gg superb l Drawings of full-lenglh Coslume fzgures. with an illustrated descriplive xext by SIDNEY COLVXN, Keeper of the Prints in the British Museum, exxra cloth 1898 1' 10. 103 Only 300 copies wer: produced: more than half arc Sold m Subscribers Prospectusß gratis The Decorative o1 Artistic Ceramic Work, in colour and relief, invenled and produced by 105MB WEDG- WOOD, F. R. 5., um, a1 Elruria. in StatTordshire. 1760-1794. Wixh 67 fulI-page illustraxions in zhe colour of lhe Originals. and smaller wuod-blocks. Biographical and descriptive chapxers, a lis: of marks used a1 Etruria and explanatory text to each objecl illustraled by FREDERICK RATHBONE, 1 vol. impl. folio. wilh 67 colou- red plates, clolh 1898 1' 10. lox OnIy 200 cnpies wer: printcd; more Khan m)! are 501d w Subscribers A Prospcctus gratis SCHRGIßER (bady Charlotte) Gnglish Fans "d Fa" Leaves. Collected and described, wilh 160 plates, folio, hf. morocco 1892 Published a! 1' 7. 7: Not sold Scparalely i Foreign Fans and Fan Leaves, French, Italian and German. 150 plates, foIio. hf. bd. morocco 1893 Published a! .5" 7. 7x Reduced xo 1' 3. 3: f these two works mgether, z vols. folio. hf. morocco Published a: .8 14. 14: Reduced xo 1' 7. 7x or xoo cnpies printed, only a limiud numbcr remain m m: A Prospectus gratis SCHREIBER (bady Charlotte) Playing Cards 0' varimß Ages and Coumries, 3 vols. foIio. 479 Plates, hf. morocco 1892-93 Publishzd a: 1' 11. os 6.1 Reduced m 1' 6. 6x Specimens {mm Lady Charlone Schreibafs Cullection, m0 copies printed Vol. 1. English. Scotch, Dutch, Flemish, 144 plates Published a! i" 3. 13s 6d Not sold separately Vol. II. French and German, 156 plaxes Published a: 1' 3. 13s 6d Reduced to .8 2. 2x Vo]. III. Swiss. Swedish, Russian. Polish, Italian, Spanish and Portu- guese, and olher Coumries, 14g plates Published a1 1' 3. 13; 6d Reduced m 1' 2. 2x swemsn nRMouR am) cosrvgvxe. A. I'Armurie Royale. folio, 5a phoro-lithographic plates cf Swedish Armour and Weapcns, the (ext by Ossbahr, in Swedish and French, cloth Stockholm 1897 1' 2. B: Only 1 Iew copics wer: privately printed, This i: m: nnly authemic work an Scandinavian Arms und Armour 1271""? I r 1'111 fhe aboue Uorlq; may be 5een und bought a! Jferren Gerold Q- Sohn}, Stepharßplat}, Wien.