10 London. (Britisches Museum.) Catalogue of prinls and drawings in the British Museum. (London), printed by order of the trustees, 1873. 8. (4231.) - (South Kensington Museum.) Classitied and descriptive catalogue of the art ohjects of spanish production in the South Kensington Museum. With an introduction and notes by Seher Juan F. Riaüo. (First edition.) London, 1872. 8. (4421) Catalogue of Chinese objects in the South Kensington Museum. With an intro- duction and notes by C. Alabaster. London, 187a. 8. (4414) Palliser, Bury. A descriptive catalogue of the Lace in the South Kensington Museum. With fourteen illustrations. (Second edition.) London, Eyre and Spoms- woode, 1873. 8. (4425) Black, C. C. Catalogue of the collection cf paintings, porcelain, bronzes, decorative furniture, and other works of art, lent for exhibition in the Bethnal Green Branch 01' the South Kensington Museum, by Sir Rich Wallace. June 1872. (8. edit.) London, Eyre 61 Spottiswoode, 1874. 8. (4447) Geschenk des Herrn Reg-Rathes Ritter v. Falke. Ancient and modern furniture aod woodwork in the South Kensington Museum. Described with an introduction by JohnHungerford-Pollen. London, Chapman and Hall, 1874. 8. (4421) - (Nationalgalerie) Wornum, Ralph Nicholson. Descriptive and historical catalogue of the pictures in the National Gallery: with biographical notices of the deceased painters. Bri- tish school. At Trafal ar Square and South Kensington. 28. ed. London, Eyre and Sponiswoode, 1873. (4341) - - Descriprive and historical catalogue of the pictures in the National Gallery: with biographieal noticea of the painters. Foreign schools. 64. edit. London, Eyre and Sponiswoode, 1873. 8. (4341) M n n chen. Mannlich, Christian von. Beschreibung der Churpfalz baierischen Gemllde-Samm- lungen zu München und zu Sehleifsheim (und zu Lustheim). 3 Bde. München, Lentner, 1805-10. 8. (4322) N ü rn berg. Bericht über die Thätigkeit des Bayrischen Gewerbemuseums zu Nürnberg im Jahre 1872, erstattet in der Generalveraarnmlung vorn 13. Januar 1873. 4. (4181) P a r i s. Viollet-Le-Duc, E. Expose des fairs relatifa a la transaction passte entre le Gou- vernement franqais et Yancienne Liste civile. Musee des armes et Musee chinois. Paris, Hetzel d: Co. [1874] 8. (4157.) Franklin, Alfred. Precis de l'histoire de la bibliotheque du Roi aujourd'hui biblioa theque nationale. Deuxieme edition corrigee et tres-augmentee. Paris, Leon Willem, 1875. 8. (Exempl. Nr. 161 von 4m.) M662.) Delaborde, Le Vicomte Henri. Le departement des estarnpes a la bibliotheque na- tionale. Notice historique suivie d'un catalogue des estampes exposees dans les salles de ce departement. Paris, Plon, 1875. 8. (4698) - (Cabinel de M. L. Fould.) Chabouillet, A, Description des antiquites et objetu d'art composant le cabinet de MäLsoaiis Fould. Paris, Claye impr., 1871. Fol. Mit 39 Kupfern. (Ex. Nr. 27g.) 4 4 - P et ersburg. (Ermilage imperial.) Musee de sculpture antique. Second edition, revue, corrigee et augmentee. Sn-Peters- bourg, 1865. 8. (4581) Geschenk des Herrn Reg-R. W. F. Exuer. Catalogue de la galerie des tableaux. (Deuxieme edition.) 3 Bde. SL-Petersbourg, 1869-71. 8. (4584) Geschenk des Herrn Reg.-R. W. F. Exner. Vases peinls. SL-Petersbourg, 1873. 8. (4581) Geschenk des Herrn R.-R. W. F. Exner. Pra . . äerzeichniss der Archaeologischen Sammlung im Clementinum zu Prag. Prag, 1873. 8. (4178.) Geschenk des Herrn Prof. Benndorf. R o m. Relazione e catalogo generale delle Stampe incise al bulino ed all' acquaforte che si vendono nella regia Calcograüa di Roma. Roma, Tip. Barroli, 1871. 4. (4588) - (Villa Albani.) Morcelli, Fea et Visconti. Description de la Villa Alhani, aujourd'hui Torlonia. Edition corrigee avec soin. lmola, Typ. Galeati et nls, 1870. 8. (4551).) Geschenk des Eigeiuhümcrs der Villa.