r 'S ^ fl ^thc j i<do!- 55 - S I ■ ^Ycah,aii^ t’saloto j «trt woj g r , = . S a i £- • « gonru bc tomf sPnn " c piin 11 -wsy [i | *i]. Th» g'-ilanun S -* S- 1. ‘ aooreafj« lingthat’s Tm still not exactiv a m;i^ell «“ike s- O ‘ 'S. " I r r I. b«i "«a me »thcm. < I 3 godd 5 n ina o ; ‘cause g m you lu 5 rt *. r •? 2- I g. 3ur« I bl ? lad 1 r :i rcaüy g d about t ^ Ilj' £ 3; g idada I ure itoat g itre ii is |•loo^ma g ^ f I I f#- go on, g_m tMol ^ . Uke T n not gor'® 'S £ I album,«pn>bablyrcaUy ^gitlÄicnd wbo w| tlwayali-ä,>'The St itsaKao £Whydoa * oudostS :thiug?A thing,yol S towf” aincb of it at tbe ümt, bur >Ä. i. ‘S a a , Si. I Green j | j. bat jq ^ he stow stili be. g 3 I 5 ^ ^ g S g l^^ipointi g- for me,-1 asc I'olg'tija And even dien ii wouldn' I- s. ” SS” g 9 2 o g 9T c ( ^ Andig vitsfini^^ goo^cause th,* VegotihiP i tuid ( jodabourthai, ^ but Ki«toi™«gaJ>I didn’tgetaMthcMy rhrovi it, ft g raUybadf M^a § «.obaioilt. Wben 1 s a.i3. 2.15s & foncwouldplaymymusic, dedded E Cl. 4> |.tnoth«fecbet-.Ja:«r ^He put down da phone 0071 to gain worldly success and to bring my E^n-k ^ ^ ^ B S I = 'S c JS « "* K •* O O gjwith g,tioffaelp*5 mfatcajsc.iistorv. • cf ti. 3 löi d; ^and I hi ^aoihin^ rmj^ !▼ i I I and c ad to he» a hat cort ate *hi o ?er aa •o H erj c § I s ö ? S: 3 2 f Nowai 3'ispotm g.Qrtadl® »rtb« was so angryj like wfaich is J^sictily 1 g.« you be 5 in tbis [nt iteord s I S I s Ä-£ranidy, jyuMlut it you Work o„ ■„ ^3^.^ 3 t otsirime Tbai's how “Okay, I’m b: ’Cjii i- B U6C pain prctiy lown artist bas made bim tbe targetoi F ■ r M 1 » not going to be I Igo cbw« 1 tbe ma< | and you <s | jo b rnujll ic^to cha-' • uauuujii 'roba^ ;ith»t’sr ‘ utaUlS r S r K 9 {have 8 {!? k and — -jannJ that «mnot be done-ee^ting a §T7cli,forbK emotion, 3 rj.g odd.mL"n, '< 2a ^ " S < 5 i ^ve a miliron bucks in what you’rc sayiiig. Um, it's 5' S I not as .1^ AS u iTOks, WcH J’m fme, ao_profeira^**hrr«. bui I know man § &corae a ^gOa and it Jwav- «c&;d lo b^. t 3 * O. 'S O 9 ^ 2- fr e ne^'er known whar ir’s i. r > f Äe d! And over rhai rime IVe scen so many qoi inponeenspr mseiably obsente. Aad tbe mone£ofien gcla.? ;y ^.-u ,h,, „ „ sjjdo, >,f your ra «da. ei 3 ^ jJ C {3 ' 5* ■< - ql|lt happenmg,’|_andsquandeted, 'oat^ usually when ypu Äe il ioo-6st,then a few years latet t^ey c^'i fiiokioJ^jet arreate g pegple »; | wert doit'^.whateve S a> poj^ir D. c B r l>eea« vciy slow,stc^y I havebe^on somc kindofpsychede)ic,but I sttned leaptng around and singing wharex’cr M g*' " S 2. ^ •“ a h i- I 2 S bott^^mre P imcdoiftheheat B S P- tg Rr s 5 r I- it was bin. Ha ha ba ba ba. And tbat was in out ithcatsalroombecausebcsaid tbat we weitn't a real band^ baba baba ha L TT. 2 ,S 'S- . oV® ^ O s ““»batnia ni^ver S igiy,and.^itaDgei Ambini |i.«lbt 5 I I i fits^daytbatlkinda Ycab.andit' f I '« " 2 e- rayngi.andlwg veryanf' thaf.Ä b«l S>' ' S l a ■? i It’salotofeaiia Work,-cause iheit>8 *;tinabepai 2nyway[ilri u). Tha Ä* ilitini« alj B' I = 3 S ~ ?a- s 'S o •! 8" ba fiicki£ guitae. Ho. Ij^t eoiuc of my style from tbe soui revues' r B s . , s- I «• , g )f MichiganhVervc/FoIfcw^s h*d a great, greai fuckin’ coUecrion of shit—-*ad l'staried tisre! I S- § tbaf^sed to comc ihrongfe. town, and aloiof ir was üoca,s-wdl,tlK:y callit^'world rousic^now ^ti f tn ^ lying, and I fronted a blues song. My knees wert 1 g- Oft and I was f f H5 s< X ... JL. to a lor of mustc diffc«nt oatuics, espeä^ Middle £«ii ” who simitldn’t do this £br a Uving iltjyghs]^Hkg,ht. 1 was just soru siandii’** hwjJ 5 D tr ° 3- a, 1. s 3 A.