Paris. 1867. Am. Jnst., 1859, ^Boston, 1839. Phila., 1848. 35 Premiums for Plumbago Manufaetures sinee 1839. Eslablished 1827. Oldest House in this Trade in the United States. DIXON’S CRUCIBLES, STOVE POLISH, LUBRI- CATING AND ELECTROTYPING PLUMBAGO, and Plumbago prepared for various branches of the mechanic arts, are all long and favorably known. We have been eight years preparing for the manufacture of FINE LEAD PENCILS, as being the only branch of the Plumbago business that we had not yet taken up. Machinery has been constructed in our own works, automatic, avoiding hand labor, and giving a perfect finish and uniformity of quality not heretofore attained. Eight grades of Lead are now ready, aud we exhibit for the first time DIXON’S PATENTED AMERICAN Graphite Pencils, FOR QUALITY AND UNIFORMITY. We shall not be prepared with the fancy styles in time for this Exhibition, therefore we do not yet exhibit for style, but we challenge the manufacturers of any country to equal the perfect smoothness of our Leads, or to produce a Pencil as pleasant to use as Dixon’s American Graphite Pencils. For Descriptive Lists, or other information, address THE JOS. DIXON CRUCIBLE CO., ORESTES CLEVELAND, President, JERSEY CITY, N.J. WORKS AND OFFICES : 233, 235, 237, 239, 241, & 243, Rallroad Avenue ; 250, 252, 254, & 256, Wayne Street. Si * I