country, and the straight weaver faces the competition of the machine. The more skilIed the craftsman becomes the more closely the work may resemble that of the machine, so that the weaver can be forced into very narrow fields. There are many skilIed Spinners and many craftworkers who have experimented with the native flora to produce a ränge of dyes,and a number of craftsmen are engaged in fabric printing. Needlework, embroidery and lacemaking societies are established in many districts working, so far, in the European traditions, and although there are competent workers in all these crafts there has not yet occurred that marriage of skill, design and aesthetic awareness that produces the great craft work. From the populär hobby of rock tumbling it is but a Step to cutting, grinding, carving and polishing. There is at hand a ränge of agate, jasper quartz and other stones, although precious stones of any great quality are not available. Jade, as we have already said, is abundant and the studio worker can call on the Maori traditions of a thousand years. There are several promising workers in this field, some producing pendants in the Maori tradition, others making jewellery in the styles of today. Apart from the carved meeting house which is indeed a flourishing and developing craft, New Zealand has not as yet produced distinctive schools of woodworking, and there is not, as in Northern Europe a style of fine furniture or cabinetmaking, although some fine bowls are being made from native timbers and some well finished looms and spinning wheels to supply local demand. Many other crafts are practised: glass working, ivory carving, metalwork, bookbinding, paper making and leather work, but these are the work mostly of isolated workers. There is a lack of craft training schools but the native New Zealander firmly believes that what anyone eise does, he also can do. There is, however, a growing realisation that the teaching of higher skills is needed and an increasing number of New Zealanders go overseas for this training; we gladly accept into our craft community trained people from overseas in a visiting and in a permanent capacity. This exhibition consists of some 90 pieces, produced by craft workers of the many different races who today form our composite New Zealand society. Some crafts number their workers in thousands, others may have only one or two practising. Most crafts have a New Zealand background of less than thirty years and only one in the Exhibition, Maori weaving and plaiting, has a continuous background, in this case some thousand years. Therefore, it should be made clear that this Exhibition does not Show the extent and depth of the crafts in New Zealand: it merely puts together a collection of outstanding craft work of New Zealand today. It displays mainly the work of Professional craftsmen but there is in the background a very large group of people working at a craft as a hobby who often achieve work of outstanding quality. The presence of these people in the community cannot help but increase the general awareness of good craft work, and encourage the production of such fine objects as those shown in this Exhibition which has been presented by the Government to mark a tremendous first period of development and expansion of the crafts in New Zealand. T.J. Bayliss Curator of Applied Arts Auckland Institute and Museum