Volltext: Monatszeitschrift I (1898 / Heft 11 und 12)

bondon, 15 Piccadilly, W. 
has rhc plcasuro T0 otfcr T0 Ärr Connaisscurs m0 followinq 
inxportant works at thc. priccs zaftixccl. 
 one volume,fo1io, giving reproductions of (h: 99 superb 
, Drawings offuII-Iength Costume hgures, with an illustraled 
descriplive (ext by SIDNEY COLVIN. Keeper cf lhe Prints in the British Museum. 
extra cloth 1898 
1' 10. 10x 
Only 30a capics wer: produccd: m01: lhan half arß Sold K0 Subscribzrs 
 Prospecluses gratis 
  The Decorativc or Artistic Ceramic Work. in colour 
and relief, invented and produced by jlJSlAH WEDG- 
WOOD, F, R. etc., a1 Etruria, in Staßoxdshire. 1750-1794. With 67 fuIl-page 
illustrations in the colour cf the Originals. and smaller wood-blocks. Biographical 
and descriptive chapters, a list of marks used a1 Elruria and explanatory text lo 
each objecx illustrated hy FREDERICK RATHBONE, 1 vu]. impl. folimwixh 67 colou- 
red plates, clolh 1898 
1' 1c. 10.1 
Only zoo cupies were printed: mor: than 11311 ßrl 501a w Subscribcrs 
'_ A Prospectus gratis 
SCHREIBER (lsady Charlotte) English Fans Md F" 
Collected and described. wi1h 150 pla1es, folio, hf. morocco 1892 
Published a! ..E' 7. 7x N01 sold separalely 
_ Foreign Fans and Fan Leaves. French, Italian and German, 150 plates, 
folio. hf. bd. morocco 1893 
Published a1 .1" 7. 7x Rzduced m 1' 3. 3x 
7 these two works togelher, z vols. folio, hf. morocco 
Published a1 .5 14. 14: Reduced 10 1' 7. 7x 
01m copies prinled, only i limited nun-Aber remain (er m: 
' A Frospeclus gratis 
SCHRGIßGR (Iaady Charlotte) Playing Cards 0' "Mio" 
Ages and 
Coumries. 3 vols. folio. 479 Plans, hf. morocco 1892-93 
Published a: 1' 11. es 6d Reduced 10 1' 6. 6x 
Specimens {rom Lady Charlone Schreib:r's Collection, lau cupies printed 
Vol. 1. English, Scotch, Durch. Flemish, 144 plates 
Published a1 .8 3. 132 6d Not sold separatiy 
V01. II. French and Gerrnan. 156 plales 
Published a2 1' 3. 13x 6d Reduced 10 1' z. 2.1 
V01. III. Swiss, Swedish. Russian, Polish, Ilalian, Spanish and Portu- 
guese. and olher Cuuntries, 14g plates 
Published a! 1' 3. 13 Y 6.! Reduced 10 1' 2. 2x 
swemsn nRMovR mm cosrume. 1A- 
'Armu1ie Royale, 
fuliu, 5a phoxo-lithographic plales cf Swedish Arrnour and Weapons, the (ext by 
Ossbahr, in Swedish and French. tloxh Stockholm 1897 
1' z. Es 
OnIy a few copies wer: privntnly pnmm. Im; i: m: only authentic work an Scandinavian 
Arms ind Armour 
r 21H the aboue Uork; may be yeen und bought a! Jferren Gerold e} Camp, 
Stephanyplab, Wien.


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