Volltext: Monatszeitschrift II (1899 / Heft 6)

Iaondon, 15 Piccadilly, W. 
has H10 nlcasurc T0 orfcr T0 Ärt COIIIIGISSCLIFS Tho IOHOWIIIQ 
impormnT works at thc priccs afüxcd. 
 one volume, folio, giving reproductions cf the 99 superb 
Drawings of fuIl-Ienglh Coslume fxgures, wilh an illustrated 
descripxive text by SIDNEY COLVIN, Keeper of lhe Prims in lhe Brilish Museum, 
exna clozh 1898 
f 10. ms 
Only 300 cspizs wer: produced; more Khan halI are sold m Subscribers 
_'_ Prospectuses gratis 
  The Decorative o1- Artistic Ceramic Work, in colour 
and relief, invented and produced by Josmu WEDG- 
WOOD, F. R. 5., etc" a: Etruxia, in StatTordshire. 1760-1794. Wilh 67 full-page 
illustrations in the colour of lhe Originals, and smaller wood-blocks. Biographical 
and descriptive chapters, a list of marks used a! Elruria and explanamry 12x: w 
each objecx illuslrated by FREDERICK RATHBONE, 1 vol. impl. folio, wizh 67 colou- 
red plates, cloth 1898 
f 10. 105 
Only 100 Copies wer: prinzed; more than half are 501d m Subscribcrs 
_'_ A Prospectus gratis 
SCHREIBER (Iszady Charlotte) Gnglish Fans andFan 
Collected and describecl, wi1h 160 plazes, folio, hf. morocco 1892 
Published a! .2!" 7. 73 N01 sold separalely 
7 Foreign Fans and Fan Leaves, French, Italian and German, 150 plates, 
folio. hf. bd. morocco 1893 
Published at 1' 7. 7x Reduced m f 3. 3: 
f these lwo works together, 2 vols. folio, hf. morocco 
Published a! 1' 14. 14x Reduced m f 7. 7x 
o: 100 cupies printed, only a Iirnited number remain n" 5m 
' A Pruspectus gratis 
SCHREIBER (Iaady Charlotte) Waying Cards 0' VMMS 
Agzs and 
Countries, 3 vols. Iolio, 479 plates, hf. moroccc 1892-93 
Published a1 1' 11. o: 6d Reduced to 1' 6. G: 
Specimens from Lady Charlotte Schrdbefs Collectiun. 100 copics printed 
VoI. 1. English, Scoxch. Durch, Flemish, 144 pIates 
Published a: 1' 3. 13x 6d Not sold separateIy 
Vol. II. French and German, 156 plates 
Published a! .2? 3. 133 6d Reduced to f 2. 2x 
Vol. III. Swiss, Swedish, Russian. Polish, Ixalian, Spanish and Portu- 
guese, and oxher Coumries, 149 plates 
Published a: f 3. 13x 6d Reduced to f 2. 2x 
swemsn ARMOOR mm cosrvme: A, 
I'Arrnurie Royale, 
folio, 5c phcmJ-lithcgraphic plaxes of Swedish Armour and Weapons, xhe text by 
Ossbahr, in Swedish and French, cloth Stockholm 1897 
OnIy afew copies wcre privately printed. This iS the only iuthentic wurk an Scandinavian 
Arms and Armuur


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