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The country, which is going to have an
international exhibition, always loudly
proclaims, that it is to be a festival of
peace, an occasion of friendly unison for
the nations of the world in a common
enterprise, that is to benefit them all. Ex-
perience has proved, that no country can
refuse its participation without doing in-
jury to its own economical interests.
Now it bas become an evident truth in
our day, that liberty is the sine qua non
condition of all progress in.the domain of
that Science, which we call political or
social economy. The innate power of the
economical interests is such, that it has
compelled all governments to unite in
negotiatious, in order to remove the re-
strictions on their freedom of action. It
has at length come to be understood, that
the means of communication, which are
in the Service of the economical interests