Isondon, 15 Piccadilly, W.
has mc nlczxsurc m orrcr to Hrt (onnaisscurs mc toilowinq
inuxwrrant worPs m rhc privcs axffxcd.
gne voxurne. folio, giving reproduclions of Ihe 99 superb
rawings cf full-length Costume Flgures. with an illustrated
descriptive text by SIDNEY COLVXN, Keeper of xhe Prims in xhe British Museum.
extra cloth r898
1' m. 10.
Only 300 capics wcre produced: mor: than half ar: Sold (c Subscribcrs
' Prosprctuszs gratis
The Decorative or Artistic Ceramic Work. in colour
and rclief, invented and produced by JOSIAH WEDG-
W000. F. R. 5.. ein, a1 Etruria. in StalTordshire. 17504794. Wixh 67 full-page
illustrations in khe culour ofthe Originals, and smalXer wood-blocks. Biographical
and descriplive chapters, a Iist cf marks used at Etruria and explanalory text K0
each ohject illustrated by FREDERICK RATHBONE. 1 vol. impl. folimwith 67 colou-
red plates. cloth 1898
1' I0. m x
omy wo copies were printed: mnr: lhan half an: 501d m Subscribem
A Praspectus grau;
SCHREIBER (bady Charlotte) Gnglish Fans andFa"
Collected and described. wixh x60 plates, folio. hf. morocco 1892
Published 21 f 7. 7x Not Sold separately
7 Foreign Fans and Fan Leaves, French. Ixalian and Gcrman, x50 plates.
folio. hf. bd. morocco 1893
Published a: A" 7. 7.x Reduced m 1' 3. 3x
7 lhese zwo works mgezher, 2 vols. folio. hf. moroccn
Published a! .1" I4. x4s Reduced to 1' 7. 7.x
01 m capies printed, only a limitcd numlmr remain m S316
' A Prospectus gratis
SCHREIBER (laady Charlotte) Playing Cards 0' V-"io";
Ages and
Coumnes, 3 vcls. folio, 47g plates, hf. morocco xligz-gg
Published a! 1' 11.0.? 6d Reduced to A" 6. 6 s
Specimens FrJm Lady Charlam: Schreiber": Collcctiun. 100 copies printcd
Vol. x. English. Scorch. Durch, Flemish. x44 plates
Published al. 1' 3. 135 6d Not 501d separate y
V01. Il. French and German, x56 plates
Published at 1' 3. I3: 6d Reduced (o 1' 2. 2 x
V01. III. SwisS. Swedish. Russian, Polish, ltalian, Spanish and Portu-
guese. and ozher Coumries. 14g plates
Published at 2' 3. x35 6d Reduced to 1' z. 23
m swemsn ARMOUR mvo cosrugvxe. A-
l'Armurie Royale.
folio, 50 phuxo-lilhographic plaxes of Swedish Armour and Weapons, the (ext by
Ossbahr, in Swedish and French, clolh Stockholm 1897
1' z. 8.x
Only 1 few cupies wcle privawly printed. Thxs i; m: only authentic work on Scandinavmn
Arms and Armour
I" All the aboue Uork; may be geen und bought a! Karren Gerold 6- Comp.,
Stepharßplatg, Wien.