Volltext: Monatszeitschrift III (1900 / Heft 2)

Iaondon, 15 Piccadilly, w. 
uns rhc DICGSLIFO T0 otfer T0 Ärt Connaisseurs me following 
imporrant worRs at m6 prices afüxed. 
I one volume, folio, giving reproductions of xhe 99 superb 
  Drawings offull-lenglh Costume flgures, with an illusrrated 
descripxive (ext by SIDNEY COLVIN, Keeper of the Prims in the Brilish Museum, 
extra cIoth 1898 
f m. xos 
Only 300 copics wer: produczd; more than halt ar: sold m Subscribers 
 Prospectuscs gratis 
ObD weQGwQQQ_ The Dracorative or Artistic Ceramic Work, in COIOUI 
and relief, invenled and produced hy JOSIAH WEDG- 
WOOD, F. R. 5., etc., a! Etruria, in Staifordshire. 1760-1794. With 67 fuII-page 
illustraxions in the coIour ohhe Originals. and smaller wood-blocks. Biographical 
and descriptive chapters, a lisz of marks used a1 Etruria and explanalory xext to 
each object illustraxed by FREDERICK RATHBONE, x vol.impl.fo1io,with 67 colou- 
red plates, clolh 1898 
f w. x05 
Only 200 copics wer: printed; more Khan halt are sold m Subscribers 
 A Prospeclus gratis 
SCIIRGIßGR (bady Charlotte) English Fans "d F" 
Collected and described, Wilh x60 plates, fnlio, hf. morocco 1892 
Published a: f 7. 7x Not sold separately 
_ Foreign Fans and Fan Leaves, French, Ilalian and German, x50 plates. 
folio. hf. bd. morocco x8g3 
Published at f 7. 7: Reduced to f 3. 3.9 
k lhese two works togelher, 2 vols. folio, hf. morocco 
Published a1 f x4. x4s Reduced xo f 7. 7: 
o: xoo ccpies printed, unIy a limitcd numbcr remain m m: 
' A Praspectus gratis 
SCHREIBER (Iaady Charlotte) Playing Cards "f WMS 
Ages and 
Countries, 3 vols. Iolio. 479 plates, hf. moroccc 1892-93 
Published ax f n. 0x 6d Reduced to f 6. 6: 
Spccimens from Lady Charlotte Schreibefs Collectiun. xoa cnpies printed 
V01. x. English, Scotch, Duxch, Flemish, x44 plates 
Published a! f 3- 135 5d Not sold separately 
Vol. II. French and German, 156 plates 
Published at 2' 3. x33 6d Rzduczd m f 1, z: 
V01. III. Swiss, Swedish, Russian. Polish, Italian, Spanish and Pann- 
guese, and umher Countries, x49 pIazes 
Published at f 3. x35 6d Reduced to f z. z: 
swemsn ARMOUR am: cosrvme. lA-LAGRELIUS- 
'Armurie Royale, 
folio, 50 phozo-lizhographic plates cf Swedish Armour and Weapuns, (h: text by 
Ossbahr, in Swedish and French, cloth Stockholm 1897 
Only a few copies wer: privetely printed. This is th: unly authenxic Wüfk On Scindiniviln 
Arms and Armour. 
Fäll the above Werk; may be geen und bought a! Jferren Gerold Q Comp., 
Stephanyplaf}, Wien.


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