94 Perlenbeutel („Zur Erinnerung“), wohl 2. Viertel 19. Jahrhundert; Höhe 15 cm. - Wiener Pri 
94 Beaded purse (“In Remembrance”), probably 2nd quarter, 19th Century; height 15 cm. - Vien 
na, private collection 
sometimes embedded between darker areas, sometimes marbled (ill. 76, p. 129). 
Frequently it was the red beads which were made with overlayed glass. Tubes of bright red 
glass consisted of two colors: opaque milk-white inside, and a thin layer of bright red glass 
outside. “Not only are such tubes cheaper to make, the white opaque foundation also 
enhances the red color of the overlay” (Altmütter 1841, p. 93). Certain kinds of beads 
consist of two layers of colored glass; opaque glass (“sottana”) can be overlayed with a 
layer of transparent glass of a different color. If a layer of white opaque glass is overlayed 
with a ruby colored glass, one gets a lively “cornaline;” the same ruby colored layer on top of 
an opaque yellow results in a very beautiful coral color (Bussolin 1847, pp. 12, 13). 


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