Volltext: Wiener Werkstätte : Avantgarde, Art Déco, Industrial Design

Two versions of hat pin G 2 (A, B) were 
produced: the illustration shows Version A. 
Hat-pin G 515 was calculated with a retail 
price of 70 crowns in April 1906, and was 
subsequently reduced to 16 crowns in 
1915. It was later given the serial number 
S 4390 (WWMB 20, no. 4390), and the re 
tail price in 1920 was specified as 2,200 
crowns. The design for this hat-pin (G 515) 
bears the monogram MK. The model with 
the serial number G 372 is very similar to 
model G 373. 
Each of the thirteen pins illustrated here 
has its own form, enabling it to carry out 
its function as a hat-pin, but using this as 
a pretext for a wide ränge of sculptural Va 
riation. This and the immanent ornamental 
nature of the pins show how form and 
function coalesce in these small objects, 
resulting in individually created units that 
can be regarded as works of art in their 
own right. 
Entwurf: Josef Hoffmann, um 1904/05 
Werknummer: S 557, S 526 
Material: Silber (S 557), Silber und Koral 
len (S 526) 
Ausführung: WW 1905 (je 2 Stück) 
Verkaufspreis: K 24,- (S 556), K 60,- 
(K 526) 
Kaufkraft von K 60,- (12/1905) 
= S 2.541,76 (12/1983) 
Archivalien: WWMB 8, S. 557, 526 
Nähere Angaben zu den Zierlöffeln und 
-gabeln in: Waltraud Neuwirth, Josef Hoff 
mann - Bestecke für die Wiener Werk 
stätte, Wien 1982, S. 159-197. 
Design: Josef Hoffmann, around 
Serial number: S 557, S 526 
Material(s): silver (S 557), silver and coral 
(S 526) 
Production: WW 1905 (2 copies of each) 
Retail price: K 24 (S 556), K 60 (S 526) 
Present equivalent: S 2,541.76 (12/83) 
Records: WWMB 8, pp. 557, 526 
Further information about ornamental 
spoons and forks can be found in “Josef 
Hoffmann - Bestecke für die Wiener Werk 
stätte” (Waltraud Neuwirth, Vienna 1982, 
pp. 159-197).


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