Volltext: Lampengeblasenes Glas aus Wien

59 Josef Berger • Martin Ziegler: Einzelmöbel, Bimini-Werkstätten. - Reproduktion nach zeitge 
nössischem Foto 
shortly afterwards from a heart attack. His homeless widow foliowed him soon after. 
Bimini glasses had now become collectors’ items. Amongst these was a playboy, who 
every year ordered elaborately decorated wine glasses, which he smashed against a 
wall having drunk in the New Year. 
Fritz, reluctantly, had to accept a partner with Capital - he hated attending to the com- 
mercial site of the business. The shop was duly enlarged to include ceramics and small 
furniture. But the partner did not bring the hoped for enlarged profits. Frightened by 
political developments he moved out of the partnership and emigrated to Palestine. 
Fritz and Hilde had rented rooms in the house where the sisters Berger had their stea- 
dily expanding model dress workshop. When the daily work was finished, the reception 
room became a literary salon, where artist friends came for advice, inspiration, or un- 
failing entertainment by Fritz, a brilliant conversationalist. Among the visitors there was 
J. M. Hauer the inventor of 12-tone music, looking much out of place in his black cut- 
away, complaining much about his competitor Schoenberg . . . Paul Engelmann 
brought his friend Wittgenstein along. He did not open his mouth once. 
Fritz continued to write poetry, started a Schubert novel, never finished, and painted 
with untrained skiii and passionate invoivement, hundreds of miniature watercolours. 
An impressive shop on the Stubenring, near the Museum of Arts & Crafts was now the 
place where Bimini glass was made and sold with moderate success. Commercial mat- 
ters and bookkeeping were looked after by Mitzi a pretty and friendly girl, while Fritz 
looked after the production side and Publicity. He was woken up, rather suddenly, from 
this well-settled life by the bloody fight between the government, relying on support 
from fascist Italy and the secret Organisation of the Nazis preparing the ground for a 
takeover. It was time, high time, to pack up not only the personal belongings, but also


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