Bibliographische Notizen: A. K. Coomaraswamy, The arls and
craffs of India and Ceylon. London 1913. — O. S. Dutf, Bengali
ART 6, 1938. — K. Fischer, The art of Bengal temples wifh beni
eaves. Summaries of papers submiffed fo fhe 17. Session of fhe
All-India Oriental Conference, Ahmedabad 1953. — K. Fischer,
Old Indian ferracotfas and contemparary arf. ROOPA-LEHKA 25,
1954, H. 1. — K. Fischer, Orissan art in the evolution of post-
mediaeval Indian culfure. THE ORISSA HISTORICAL RESEARCH
JOURNAL 3, 1954. H. 1. — K. Fischer, Some examples of mutual
Hindu-Muslim architectural intluences. INDO-IRANICA 8, 1955,
H. 1. — S. Swarup, The arts and crafts of India and Pakistan. A
pictoria! survey of dancing, music, painting, sculpture, architec-
fure, art-cratts, and ritual decorations from the earliest times to
fhe present day. Bombay 1937.
303 Dvarapalika. Wächferfigur einer stehenden Frau vom Tor eines Hindu-Tempels.
Standing female figure from a door jamb.
Roter Stein, H 165 cm, B 56 cm. Provinz Rajasfhan, ca. 17. Jahr
hundert n. ehr. Archaeological Museum, Amber (Jaipur). Cafa-
logue No. 205/46.
304 Zwei bemalte Holztüren mit Löwen, Damen und stilisierten Bäumen.
A pair of wooden doors; painted scenes shov/ing a lady under a
tree with birds etc. Lions in fhe foreground.
Lackmalerei, H 177 cm, B 35 cm. Provinz Rajasfhan, 18. Jahrhun
dert n. ehr. National Museum of India, New Delhi. 56.48/3 A & B.
305 Pfeilerkonsole in Form eines Menschen. Carved brocket, depicting a human figure.
Holz, H 95 cm. Provinz Gujeraf, modern.
Central Handicrafts Museum, All India Handicrafts Board. Govern
ment of India, Thapar House, New Delhi. M/5/196.
306 Archifekturfragment mit einem Königspaar in einer Sänfte.
Frieze showing a king and queen being carried in a palanauin.
Holz, H 21 cm, B 100 cm. Provinz Bombay, 17. Jahrhundert n. Chr.
National Museum of India, New Delhi 56.25/1.
307 Platte eines Ziegelfempels. Vastra-harana: Krishna, der den Gopis beim Bad in der Yamuna die Kleider ge
stohlen hat und von ihnen um Rückgabe der Kleidungsstücke angefleht wird.
"Vastra-harana’ a symbolic "lila" or feaf of the boy Krishna
concealing the garmenfs of milkmaids (Gopinis) during their bath
in the Yamuna. Two Gopinis are seen here imploring Krishna,
seated on a tree, to give back their clothes.
Terrakotta, H 25,5 cm, B 12 cm. Barisal, Osfpakistan, ca. 17.Jahr-