In ifs arrangemeni, fhe Vienna catalogue closely follows that 
drawn up by Klaus Fischer and K. N. Puri for the exhibifion in fhe 
Villa Hügel in Essen. The numbering ol fhe exhibifs has nof been 
alfered, and fhe objecfs on loan from fhe Museum für Völker 
kunde, Vienna, have been incorporafed in fhe serial numerafion 
according fo fheir dafe, where necessary by fhe addifion ol a 
leffer as suffix (e. g. 141 Teaching Buddha, below, scene of 
adoralion, Gandhara; 141 a Buddha wifh Indra, Brahma, and 
fhe guardians of fhe four direcfions of fhe universe, Gandhara). 
The exhibifs in groups 1 Io 9 are lisfed in chronological Order, 
fo correspond wifh fheir arrangemenf in fhe rooms of fhe 
Künsflerhaus. The lisl on page 53 indicafes fhe culfural epochs of 
fhe individual exhibifs according fo fheir numbers (e. g. Indus 
Civilizafion, Nos. 1—53; Maurya Civilizafion, Nos. 54—63). A 
selecf lisf explains fhe Sanskrif words and fechnical ferms of 
iconography fhaf occur repealedly in fhe descripfions of fhe 
individual pieces and in fhe infroducfory essay by H. Goefz 
pages 44—46). The lisf of museums fhaf have lenf exhibifs also 
confains a bibliography of fhe mosf imporfanf works dealing 
wifh fhe pieces on show (pages 47—49). Finally, in fhe lisf of 
origin of fhe exhibifs, fhe cafalogue indicafes fhe sifes where 
fhey were found (page 52). 
Of parficular inferesf is fhe map indicafing fhe mosf imporfanf 
archaeological sifes of fhe Indo-Pakisfan sub-confinenf. This map 
is faken from fhe book "Indien’ by H. Goefz (Baden-Baden 1959). 
Notes on the Catalogue 
The chronological fable on page 51—52 gives a survey of Indian 
dynasfies and arfisfic periods from 2500 B. C. fo fhe presenf day. 
The main body of fhe cafalogue lisfs fhe exhibifs by number 
and gives a brief descripfion ol each. Each enfry also quofes fhe 
malerial and colour of the exhibif, ifs heighf and widfh in cenfi- 
melers, fhe place of origin, as well as fhe disfricf or province of 
fhe Republic of India or of her neighbours, EasI and West 
Pakistan, Nepal, or Tibet, in which the object was found, fhe 
dafe, and the arfisfic period. The museum where the exhibif is 
normally on show and ifs museum number are quoted alter fhe 
official English designation. The lelters V. S. refer fo the Vikrama 
style ol reckoning dales; fo convert fo Christian reckoning, sub- 
stracf 56 years. An asierisk indicafes fhaf fhe exhibif is illusfrafed 
in fhe appendix. 
Sanskrif vowels are pure, as in Latin and German, and nof 
diphthongized, as in English. Words like "Sfupa" are sfressed on 
fhe first syllable; names like "Hanuman” are usually sfressed on 
fhe third-last syllable. H is disfinctly aspirated affer a consonanf, 
as in "Gandhara", "Buddha", efc. V as in "Vishnu", y as in 
"Himalaya", j as in "Rajah", and ch as in ’Sanchi’ are pro- 
nounced as in English. For reasons of space if is impossible fo 
go info fhe fine poinfs of Sanskrit pronunciation, for example, fhe 
difference belween fhe palatal and cerebral s. If should, how- 
ever, be poinfed ouf fhaf the s as in ’Siva’ and the sh as in 
"Ganesha" are usually pronounced like an English sh.


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