Entleihende Museen und ihre Veröffentlichungen 
Lending museums and museum catalogues 
Allahabad Allahabad Museum 
85, 94—97, 100, 101, 120—123, 184. 
Alwar Government Museum, Alvwar, Rajasthan 
681, 699, 784—786, 788—790, 795—798, 
804—807, 809—813. 
Amaravafi Archaeological Museum, Amaravaii. Gunfur 
District, Andhra Pradesh 
Amber Archaeological Museum, Amber, Rajasthan 
195, 196, 199, 303 a, 303 b. 
Baroda Museum and Picture Gallery, Baroda, Bom 
bay State 
163—166, 185, 186, 205, 207, 398, 675. 
Bezirk des Keshava-Tempels 
Indian Museum, Archaeological Section, Cal 
64—74, 107—110, 130—139, 167, 214, 215, 237, 
238, 256, 272, 325. 
Indian Museum, Art Gallery, Calcutta 
352 a, 352 b, 354 a, 355 a, 357 a, 357 b, 358 a, 
359, 365 a, 365 b, 365 c, 365 d, 486, 487, 539, 
540, 598, 626, 627, 638, 659, 660, 687—690. 
Asutosh Museum of Indian Art, University of 
88—93, 257, 258, 307—310, 312—319, 606, 753, 
755, 758, 759, 766, 845, 846, 864. 
Archaeological Museum, Gwalior, Govern 
ment of Madhya Pradesh 
162, 179—182, 208—210, 213, 223, 225, 226, 
228, 231. 
Bezirk des Hoyshalesvara-Tempels 
Archaeological Department, Government of 
Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad-Dn. 
150, 266—271, 273—276, 341—352, 653, 657, 
664, 665, 669—673, 679, 692—698, 799. 
Government Central Museum, Jaipur, Raja 
sthan Government 
197, 198, 568, 620—624, 634—637, 639, 655, 
656, 682, 683, 765, 772, 808, 814—817. 
S. C. Kala, Sculpture in the Allahabad Municipal Museum. Simla 
H. Goetz, Indian art in the Baroda Museum. Roopa Lekha 20, 
1948/49, H. 2. — H. Goetz, Baroda Museum and Picture Gallery. 
Handbook to the collections. Bulletin, Museum and Picture Gal 
lery, Baroda 8, 1950—1952, H. 1. 
J. Anderson, Catalogue and handbook to the archaeological col- 
lections in the Indian Museum, Calcutta 1883. I; Asoka and Indo- 
Scythian collections. II; Gupta and inscription galleries. — R. P. 
Chanda, The beginnings of art in Eastern India with special ref- 
erence to the sculptures in the Indian Museum. Calcutta 1927. 
Memoirs of the Archaeological Survey of India 30. — N. G. Ma- 
jumdar, A guide to the sculptures in the Indian Museum. New 
Delhi 1937. I: Early Indian schools. II: The Graeco-Buddhist school 
of Gandhara. —■ C. Sivaramamurti, A guide to the archaeologi 
cal gallery of the Indian Museum. Calcutta 1954. 
M. B. Garde, Guide to the Archaeological Museum at Gwalior. 
Gwalior 1928. —• S. R. Thakore, Catalogue of the sculptures in the 
Archaeological Museum, Gwalior. Gwalior o. J.


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