A. Foucher, L'art greco-bouddhique. Paris 1905—1922, Abb. 219. 
— N. G. Majumdar, A guide Io fhe sculptures in the Indian Mu 
seum, II, The Graeco-Buddhisf school of Gandhara. Delhi 1937, 
S. 74, S. 122, Nr. 108. 
138 Fragment des Paares Harifi und Pancika, von Kindern umgeben. Hariti, ursprünglich eine Dämonin, später 
zur Schutzgottheit umgedeutet, trägt ein antikisierendes Gewand. 
Sculpture, showing Hariti and Pancika, standing under a tree 
(broken). The right hand (broken) of Pancika rests on his hip, 
the lett hand on the shoulder of his wife, who Stretches her right 
hand (broken) fowards her husband; in her lett hand, she carries 
a noose. Two naked children (heads lost) stand between them, 
one below, fhe other above. 
Bosalt, Dreivierfel-Relief, H 30,5 cm, B 22,9 cm. Jamalgarh, West- 
pakiston, Gandhara, ca. 2. Jahrhundert n. Chr. Indian Museum, 
Archaeological Section, Calcufta. G. 8. 
N. G. Majumdar, A guide to the sculptures in the Indian Museum, 
II, The Graeco-Buddhist school ot Gandhara. Delhi 1937, S. 100, 
S. 122, Nr. 110, Tafel XII. 
139 Kniender Yaksha. Alfindische dienstbare Halbgoftheit, in Gandhara mit den Zügen der griechisch-römi 
schen Atlanten und oft mit einem herkulesartigen Gesicht dargesfelit. 
An atlante, a Yaksha of the hellenistic type; face bearing some 
resemblance fo thaf of Hercules. 
Basalt, Rundplastik, H 20,5 cm. Jamalgarh, Westpakistan, Gand 
hara, ca. 2. Jahrhundert n. Chr. Indian Museum, Archaeological 
Section, Calcutfa. 81. e. 
A. Foucher, L'art greco-bouddhique. Paris 1905—1922, Abb. 87. — 
A. K.Coomaraswamy, Yaksas. Washington 1928—1931, I, Tafel 13,3. 
N. G. Majumdar, A guide to the sculptures in the Indian Museum, 
II, The Graeco-Buddhisf school of Gandhara. Delhi 1937, S. 112, 
5. 124, Nr. 163, Tafel XII. .—• G. Combaz, L’lnde et l'Orient 
classique. Paris 1937, Tafel 109. —• M. Chandra, Some aspects of 
Yaksha cult in ancient India. BULLETIN OF THE PRINCE OF 
WALES MUSEUM BOMBAY 3, 1952/53. — C. K. Gairola, Atlanfes 
in early Indian art. ORIENTAL ART, N. S. 2, 1956. — K. Fischer, 
Recently discovered sfone sculptures from Bactria. ARTIBUS 
ASIAE 20, 1958. 
140 Yaksha. Geflügelter, bärtiger Atlant. Winged, bearded atlante. 
Stein, H 19 cm. Jamalgarh, Westpakistan, Gandhara, ca. 2. bis 
4. Jahrhundert n. Chr. Patna Museum, Patna. Arch. No. 5881. 
A. K. Coomaraswramy, Yakshas. Washington 1928—1931. — C. K. 
Gairola, Atlanfes in early Indian art. ORIENTAL ART, N S 2 


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