Abb. 9. Kitty Rix, verschiedene Gefäße (KO-Nrn. 5852, 5853, 5859, 5866, s.S. 267, 269, 273), um 1927;
koloriertes Originalphoto aus dem Nachlaß der Wiener Werkstätte, 121 x 167 mm, rückseitig mit den
KO-Nummern, Maß- und Preisangaben sowie dem Namen der Keramikerin versehen. - Österreichisches
Museum für angewandte Kunst
produced according to this design, which will be contained in the subsequent publica-
tions planned. With other ceramic designs, a “Nacherzeugung” (reprise) is indicated
(KO no. 5708: “Nacherzeugung unter K196”).
In addition to Vally Wieselthier, Hertha Bücher (as of 1920) and Dina Kuhn (at first for
Iskra and later for “Bimini” in Vienna and Neutitschein) were active in their own
According to a separate page, left undated, which was included in the “KO-Buch”, many
of the women artists were paid by means of a premium System:
Bücher vase KO 5550 4500-
candelabra ” 5551 3000-
” inkpot ” 5552 3000-
Jesser cachepot ” 5531 4000.-
” ” ” 5530 5000.-
Kopriva figurine ” 5534 12000-
Kuhn centre-piece ” 5532 8000-
” candelabra ” 5535 8000-
” ” 5537 5000.-
” ” 5540 5000.-
” ” ” 5538 5000.-
” ” ” 5539 8000.-