Catalogue of xhe British Section.
KNIGHT, J. P., R.A., 20, James Street, Buckingham Palace, London.
Elected Associate of the Royal Academy, London, 1836; elected full member, 1844.
35 An Old Stüdent .. ., ,. .. ... Lent by Edward Langley, Esq.
LANDSEER, SIR E., R.A., 18, St. John’s Wood Road, Regent’s Park, London.
Elected Associate of the Royal Academy, London, 1826; elected full member, 1831.
36 The SancAuary .. .. .. .. .. Lent by Her Majesty the Queen.
37 The Arab Tent .. .. .. Lent by H.R.H. the Prince of Wales, K.G.
38 Portrait of Sir E. Landseer, R.A. Lent by H.R.H. the Prince of Wales, K.G.
39 Bolton Abbey in the olden tijie. L^ent by His Grace the Duke of Devonshire.
LEHMANN, RUDOLPH, 1, South Villas, Campden Hill, Kensington, London.
49 Out of the World—two Monks making Music
L.ent by Henry Schlesinger, Esq.
LEIGHTON, F., R.A., 2, Holland Park Road, Kensington, London.
Elected Associate of the Royal Academy, London, 1864; elected full member, 1868.
41 Cleobulus and Cleobule Lent by E. L. S. Benzon, Esq.
42 After Vespers Lent by E. N. Buxton, Esq.
LEWIS, JOHN F., R.A., Walton-ön-Thames.
Elected Associate of the Royal Academy, London, 1859 ; elected full member, 1864.
43 The Doubtful Coin .. .. .. .. .. Lent by C. P. Matthews, Esq.
44 A Street in Cairo Lent by T. Baring, Esq., M.P.
LINNELL, J., Redhill, Surrey.
45 The Windmill .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Lent by J. Eden, Esq.
MARKS, H. S., A.R.A., 15, Hamilton Terrace, St. John’s Wood, London.
Elected Associate of the Royal Academy, London, 1872.
46 “ The Beggars are Coming to Town” .. Lent by Octavius Coope, Esq.
MILLAIS, J. E., R.A., J, Cromwell Place, South Kensington, London.
Elected Associate of the Royal Academy, London, 1853 > elected full member, 1863.
Silver and Gold Medallist.
47 Portrait of Miss Nina Lehmann .. .. .. I^ent by F. Lehmann, Esq.
48 The Sisters .. ,. .. .. .. .. Lent by C. P. Matthews, Esq.
NICOL, ERSKINE, A.R.A., 24, Dawson Place, Bayswater, London.
Elected Associate of the Royal Academy, London, 1866.
49 A China Merchant .. .. .. Lent by H. W. F. Bolckow, Esq., M.P.
OAKES, J. W., 34, Addison Road, Kensington, London.
50 Linn of Muick, near Ballater, Aberdeenshire.
O’NEIL, HENRY, A.R.A,, 7, Victoria Road, London.
Elected Associate of the Royal Academy, London, 1860. Double Silver Medallist.
51 Eastward Ho ! .. .. .. .. .. Lent by A. J. Lewis, Esq*