Volltext: Farbenglas vom Biedermeier zum Art Déco, 2: Farbenpaletten blau, rot, Index

glass, green, greenish (colored) see (colored) green 
glass hardware production (“glass quincaillerie 
wares”) I: 267 
glass, hollow see hollow glass 
glass, ice see ice glass 
glass in shade of cream I: 24 
glass in shadeof red 1:24 
glass in shades of yellow I: 268 
glass industry I: 266, II: 12 
glass industry, Address Bookforthe I: 266 
glass, insulating see insulating glass 
glass jewelry 1:259 
glass, laboratory see laboratory glass 
glass, lead see lead glass 
glass leaning on oriental design 1:256 
glass, Lithyalin see Lithyalin glass 
glass luxuriated in iridescence and lustre, in stains 
and corroded effects 1:269 
glass, machine see machine glass 
glass, marbled see marbled glass 
glass, mat see mat glass 
glass, meat-red see meat-red glass 
glass melt, art of I: 259 
glass, metal see metal glass 
glass, milk see milk glass 
glass, mirror see mirror glass 
glass, molten see molten glass 
glass mosaics, colored rods for I: 263 
glass, multi-layered see multi-layered glass 
glass notions (quincaillerie) I: 261,267,11:12, 72, 
glass (objects, items), luxury see luxury glass 
glass (objects) utilitarian see utilitarian glass 
glass, opacified see opacified glass 
glass, opal (opalescent) see opal glass 
glass, opaline see opaline glass 
glass, opaque see opaque glass (paste etc.) 
glass, optical blown see optical blown glass 
glass, ornamental see ornamental glass 
glass overlayed (plated) with ruby II: 136 
glass painter I: 259 
glass painting and drawing, department for (Haida) 
I: 268 
glass panes I: 259, 269, 270 
glass partly cut I: 53-63,144,145,179,185, 210, 
211,216,217,224, 225 
glass paste see paste (smalto, smalti) 
glass, patterned see patterned glass 
glass, pieces of I: 88, 89, 92 
glass, pink see pink glass 
glass, plate see plate glass 
glass, plated (cased, overlaid) see plated glass 
glass, platelets I: 258, 259 
glass, plates of blue 11:73 
glass, polished see polished glass 
glass, pressed see pressed glass 
glass, prism see prism glass 
glass, producer of composition I: 253 
glass, purple see purple glass 
glass, raw see raw glass 
glass red, coloring II: 136,140 
glass, red see red glass I: 268, II: 136 
glass, rice see rice glass 
glass, Römer see Römer glass (rummers) 
glass, ruby red overlayed pane of I: 269 
glass, ruby see ruby glass 
glass, safety see safety glass 
glass (sample of) plate see plate 
glass, sample see sample 
glass (samples of) unworked see unworked glass 
glass, sapphire blue see sapphire blue 
glass, semi-molten see semi-molten 
glass, semi-white see semi-white 1:120,121,273 
glass Service see Service 
glass, sheet see sheet glass 
glass, sky blue see sky blue 
glass small wares 1:266 
glass, soda see soda glass 
glass, softer and harder II: 140 
glass, solid see solid glass 
glass, spar see spar glass 
glass, spat see spat glass 
glass, spun (works) I: 261,264 
glass, stone see stone glass 
glass, stone-green see stone-green 
glass stones see stones 
glass Stoppers see Stoppers 
glass, sugar bowl see sugar bowl 
glass, fable candelabra see candelabra 
glass, table see table 
glass tablets (of) see tablets 
glass tablewares see tablewares 
glass technology see technology 
glass threads see threads 
glass, to color I: 277 
glass, toilet bottles see toilet bottles 
glass, topaz color see topaz 
glass trailing, beads with molten II: 13 
glass, translucent see translucent glass (semi- 
glass, transparent see transparent glass 
glass tubes see tubes 
glass, turquoise see turquoise 
glass, uranium see uranium glass 
glass, Utility see Utility glass 
glass vases, see vases 
glass, vessels see vessels 
glass, violet see violet glass 
glass, wall-covering see wall-covering glass 
glass, white see white 
glass, window see window glass 
glass, wired see wired glass 
glass with gilt decoration 1:130,131,208, 209 
glass with metal mounting 1:53-61,140,195, 220, 
275, 280, II: 79, 94 
glass with overlay see overlay 
glass (works), blown see blown glass 
Glass Works near Venice, Murano I: 264 
glass, yellow (yellowish) see yellow glass 


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