Volltext: Glas 1905 - 1925 : vom Jugendstil zum Art Deco, Band 1

glasses, Barbini I: 259 
glasses, imitation-stone see imitation-stone glasses 
glasses, iridescent I: 269 
glasses plated in the Turkish manner II: 73 
glasses, test see test glasses 
glasses, wine see wine glasses 
glasses with white opaque appearance I: 275 
Glassmaking Haida, Imperial School of I: 69,163, 
227-231,268, 269, 280, II: 73, 110,134,135, 136 
glassmaking schools, Bohemian I: 259 
glassmaking (techniques) I: 253, 266,267, 277 
glassware producers I: 267 
glassware purchaser, producer, merchant 1:267 
glasswares producer, spun I: 267 
Glasswork in Styria, Reich & Co., Voitsberg I: 268 
glassworks and glass houses, Bohemian I: 261 
Glassworks Brumow (Moravia), Freih. v. Sina 1:210, 
Glassworks, Gösting near Graz I: 88 
Glassworks in Krain, Sagor 1:118,119 
Glassworks in Moravia, Reich & Co. (Krasna, 
Wsetin, Charlottenhütte, Franciscahütte, 
Marienhütte, Koritschan, Gaya, Hausbrünn) 
Glassworks of Bodenstedt in the Prerau district 
(Moravia) 1:122 
Glassworks, Porembawielka (Galicia) 1:120,121, 
Glassworks (“Schlaining”) in the Eisenburg district, 
Hungary II: 78 
Glassworks, Szkitzo (Hungary) 1:118,119 
Glassworks, Zelestye (Hungary) 1:120,121,211 
Glauber’s salt glass 1:112,113, 271,272 
Glauber’s salt glass, Champagne bottles of I: 272 
Glauber’s salt glass, yellowish green 1:112,113 
Gleichenberger Wasser, bottles for 1:271 
glitter of opal, bluish white 1:261 
globe and shaft bottle with beaker 1:128,129 
globe.shaft and beaker, bottle witn I: 274 
goblet cut I: 255 
goblet, goblets 1:126,127,139,182-185, 255, 274, 
275, 277, 278, II: 72, 75,106, 136, 139, 142,150, 
151, 158, 159 
goblet with brilliant cutting and dark blue separately 
placed stones II: 106 
goblet with cover and stand II: 139,158,159,171 
goblet with lid, cased with ruby glass, the foot white; 
cut II: 150,151 
goblet with lid (lidded) 1:182,183,185,277, II: 72 
goblet with lid, topaz yellow glass 1:185, 278 
goblet with lid, yellowish green glass 1:182,183 
goblet (with plate), ruby glass II: 139,142,150,151 
goblet with Venetian work in the stem; agatized 
goblets, alabaster- and garnet-like I: 256 
goblets in radiant sapphire blue II: 72 
Göble, H„ Gablonz 1:254,278 
Gösting near Graz, Glassworks I: 88,136 
gold I: 256, 258, 262, 263, 265, 267, 278, II: 13, 114, 
gold and silverdecoration, double-bottle in ruby 
glass with opulent I: 265 
gold, coloration through 1:262 
gold, coloration through silver and I: 263 
gold decorated blackish green; colored bottles in 
gold decoration 1:265,11:94,114,115,119,190, 
gold decoration and Lithyalin; cased glass (white 
and blue), cutting, 11:115,119 
gold decoration; butter dish with saucer, cased glass 
(colorless with white and red casing) with 
decorative seam cutting and II: 190,191 
gold decoration; cased glass (colorless with white 
and blue casing) with cutting and 11:114 
gold, enamel pastes for I: 263 
gold, enameling on l:262 
gold green I: 257 
gold medal I: 268,274 
gold of Cassius I: 278 
gold on cut facets I: 267 
gold patterns, buckles with II: 13 
gold patterns, Lithyalin glass decorated with II: 72 
gold pink II: 136 
gold ruby 1:253, II: 136,154,155 
gold ruby glass I: 253, II: 154, 155 
gold ruby, glass and dish cased with II: 154,155 
gold; series, dark green with I: 256 
gold smith 1:258 
gold topaz beads I: 254, 278 
gold topaz composition I: 255,256,278 
gold topaz composition; sugar water centerpiece 
and table candlestick in 1:278 
gold topaz composition, table candelabra in I: 255 
gold topaz composition, toilet bottles of I: 255 
gold topaz composition; vases, bottles and sugar 
bowls I: 256 
gold topaz glass 1:254 
gold topaz stones I: 278 
Goldberg, Haida I: 269 
Goldbrunn, Joseph Schmidt I: 279, II: 73 
Goldbrunnhütte Bergreichenstein (Bohemia) II: 106 
golden brown (topaz) 1:197, 253 
golden brown (topaz color) translucent glass; beaker 
of 1:197 
golden green I: 279 
golden topaz I: 253, 276, 278 
golden yellow 1:276 
Gotscher, Joseph, Süssenheim 1:256 
Gräbner, K., author I: 273 
Graeger, N., author I: 280 
grass green, bottle in crystal glass I: 266 
grass green glass paste 1:45 
Gratzen (Bohemia) I: 50,51 
gray I: 254,270, 273 
gray; color samples, gray and marbled I: 86, 270 
gray Hyalith; bottles with and without gilt in greenish 
Graz I: 88,136, 137, 253, 256, 275, II: 72 
Graz Exhibition 1841 I: 253, 256, 275, II: 72 


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