Volltext: Ludwig Lobmeyr - schöner als Bergkristall

goblet with cover, silver wedding anni- 
versary Mathilde and August Rath 
(1888) 368 
goblet with lid, series crystal with notched 
shallow flutes 313 
goblets, cut cog-wheel 40 
goblets, cut cog-wheel (J. C Bauer) 40 
Goldbrunn works (Bohemia) 15,410 
Golden Merit Cross (Order, Ludwig Lob- 
meyr 1865) 317,319 
Goienic (Slavonia) 125 
“Gothic Series” (M. Knab) 302, 303 
(goblet 302 
Gradac (Slavonia) 108 
Grand Concours International de Sciences 
de l'lndustrie, Brussels 1888 385 
Gratzen (Bohemia) 15,51,411 
Graz, award (diploma) of the gold medal 
1870 (Ludwig Lobmeyr) 244 
Graz (Styria) 360 
Greekdecoration 245,265 
Groner (architekt) (jug) 378 
grooves 403 
Hafenbrädei, Ignaz 15 
Haida, Hayda (Bohemia) 15,16, 79,179, 
303, 401,415 
handle, bottle with, see bottle with handle 
handle, jug with, see jug with handle 
handle, vase with two, see vase with 
hanging lamps 15,140,143 
Hann (Haan), Friedrich Baron von 109-111 
Hansen, Theophil R. v. (architect) 224, 
227, 233, 245-247, 265, 266, 297, 308 
Hansen; dessert Service no. 25 I 224, 
Hansen, dessert Service no. 29 246, 
Hansen; drinking Service no. 108 233 
Hansen, drinking service no. 150 and 
no.157 308 
Hansen, glass after antique pat- 
terns 265 
Hansen; glass in the style of antique va- 
ses 245 
Hansen, Greekvases 266 
Harrach, Count; Neuwelt (Bohemia) 15, 
55, 63, 69, 177, 188, 189.. 196, 234, 401 
Hegenbarth, A.; Haida 179,401 
heraldic painting 303 
Herdtle, H. 381,383 
Hieser (artist) 224 
Hofmann, Wilhelm; Vienna, Prague, Mei 
stersdorf, Blottendorf and Tannenberg 
(Bohemia) 16,162 
hollow glass, glasswares 15,16,131,409 
hollow glass industry 16 
Hondl & Lobmeyr, business card 131 
Hondi, Sigismund (Zvecevo) 8,121 -129 
Hotel Empress of Austria 91 
Hoyer, Joh. and Jos.; Swietla (Bohe 
mia) 188,189,401 
Hrkanovci (Slavonia) 108 
Hum pusta, Hum varos (Slavonia) 125 
humans (people) and animals, artificial eyes 
for 15,140 
Humljani (Slavonia) 125 
Humselo (Slavonia) 125 
Hungary 357 
ice glass (craquele) 32, 345 
Igiau 16 
“Indian Series” (M. Knab) 22, 23 
bottle 362 
footed beaker 23 
vase 23,361,363 
vase with two handles 22 
Indian (Iran) vessels, series of 22, 404 
industry (fabrication), Bohemian glass 8, 
industry, glass 8,13,15, 406 
industry, hollow glass 16 
International Exhibition in Philadelphia 1876 
(award, Ludwig Lobmeyr) 350, 352, 
iridescent glass 18, 243, 357, 404 
iridiscent, see “Series of white iridiscent 
opal glass” 
Iran Crown lllrd Class (order), certificate of 
Franz Joseph I (Ludwiq Lobmeyr 
1874) 316 
iron vessels, Indian 22 
ifems, luxury 140 
items, teilet 15,140 
Janke, A.; Blottendorf 188,210 
Janke, Constantin; Blottendorf 15, 401 
Janke & Görner, Blottendorf (Bohe 
mia) 16,114,115 
declaration (1838) 114,115 
Jankovich (Vucin) 125,129,130 
seal of (Vucin) 129 
Jaquel, Paris 71 
Jekelfalussy 1888, map (Slavonia) 108, 
Jeweiers, Imperial and Royal Jeweiers; 
V. Mayer‘s Sons (Vienna) 316,318, 
Jovanovica (Slavonia) 125 
jug, jugs 36, 47, 49, 54, 175, 210, 235, 
236, 299, 304, 305, 313, 324, 333, 340, 
see beer jug, claret jug 
jug, cog-wheel jug 47 
jug, cream, see cream jug 
jug, drinking service no. 168 (silver 
mountings, J. C. Klinkosch) 324 
jug, drinking service no. 69 210 
jug, Groner (architekt) 378 
jug, Prof. Friedrich Schmidt 333 
jug (Rincklake) 236 
jug, series “Raised gilt with Watteau 
pictures” 395 
jug, “Series with painting in German Re 
naissance” 304, 305 
jug, jugs 
jug, “Series with polished Renaissance 
engraving” 299 
jug, “Triton Series” 340,341 
jug, “Turkish Series” 18 
jug, water, see water jug 
jug with cog-wheel bases 47 
jug with cover 175 
jug with handle 17,18,25,30,31,36, 
41,50, 243, 298, 310, 364, 367, 370, 
jug with handle, “Alhambra Series” 31 
jug with handle and cover 50 
jug with handle, Arabian style 30 
jug with handle, cog-wheel service 42 
jug with handle, drinking service no. 160 
jug with handle, Series “raised gilt Orna 
ment” 390 
jug with handle, series “smoky topaz" 
jug with handle, series “smooth with flat 
cutting” 393 
jug with handle, “Series with white and 
blue enamel and gilt decoration” (Reh 
lender) 364 
Kairo 169 
Karlovac (Slavonia) 108 
Karlsbad (Bohemia) 328 
Katzenschlager, Michael (map, 1856) 88 
Kellner, Friedrich (painter) 97 
Kempff, Ludwig (Marienthal) 105-108 
King Ludwig, letterto Ludwig Lobmeyr 
(1876) 348 
Kittel s Successors, in T (Bohemia) 401 
Kittel s Successors, Kreibitz (Bohe 
mia) 15,55,401 
Klinkosch, J. C.; silver mountings (drinking 
and dessert service no. 168) 322-325, 
327, 329-331 
Klokocevac (Slavonia) 108 
Knab, “Alhambra Series” 31 
Knab, Arabian style 30 
Knab, “Gothic Series” 302, 303 
Knab, “Indian Series” 22, 23 
Knab, Moritz 22, 30, 31,302, 303, 368- 
373, 375 
series “crystal with gilded or silvered ro- 
coco-engraving” 369, 372, 373 
series “white enamel lace decoration” 
Knight of Our Order of Franz Joseph (or 
der), certificate (Ludwiq Lobmeyr, 
1867) 316 
Knight's Cross (order), Ludwig Lobmeyr 
1867 316 
Knöspel, Johann; Blottendorf (Bohe 
mia) 16 
Kometnik (Slavonia) 125 
Koska (Slavonia) 108 
Kothgasser, Anton, Vienna 16, 43, 47 
Workshop 43 
Kralik, Ferdinanda 183 


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