Popovac (Slavonia) 125
porcelain 328
portrait, Ludwig Lobmeyr 82-84, 86
Prague 16, 20,162.175, 405-415
Prandel, Anton (confectioner) 154
precious stones, artificial 409
premises, business, see business premises
pressed glass 15,16,55,116,117
pressed glass, beaker and gobiet 116
pressed glass studies 16
pressed glass, vase and bowl with
cover 117
price list
price listdrinking Service no. 4 208
price list, drinking Service no. 54 211
price list (Lobmeyr), Matteo
Paldovani 152
price list (Lobmeyr), Prince
Metternich 148-151
price list of the drinking Service
no. 16 72,73
price list of the drinking service
no. 60 201
Privisevci (Slavonia) 108
production drawings 15
production of chandeliers 8
products, Bohemian glass 36
Provincial Exhibition, Graz 1880 (Honorary
diploma, Ludwig Lobmeyr) 360
PSK, Austrian Postal Savings Bank 8,18,
20-27, 29, 31,32, 159, 201,233, 243,
255, 302, 304, 310, 323-328, 330, 331,
338-341,345, 354, 361 -365, 368-373,
378, 379, 384-389, 394-397, 400
punch bowl 27,32,311,338
punch bowl, drinking service no. 160
punch bowl, “Series with crimson pal-
mettes” 27
punch bowl (silverspangles, “glimmer
glass”) 338
punch service 36
Pusin (Slavonia) 125
Rahl.C. (Carl) 368
“Ranftservice”, see cog-whee! service
Rath, August 220,368
Rath, August (and Mathilde Lobmeyr);
marriage announcement (1864) 220
Rath, Mathilde 220, 368
Rath, Stephan 319
Ratzersdorfer (Vienna) 300, 381,383
reed service 55
refined glasswares 15
refinement, techniques of glass refinement
refiners 15,16
Rehlender (Georg), architect 29, 260,
334, 343, 364
“Aquamarine Series” 29, 334
“Series in Persian style" 29
“Series of white iridiscent opal glass”
“Series opal blue” 29
“Series with white and blue enamei and
gilt decoration” (jug with handle) 364
Rehlender, Girard &, vases 260
report of exhibitions, see exhibition
report, school, see school report
Rijenci (Slavonia) 125
rim, see service, crystal glass with cut rim
and smooth stem
Rincklake, R. (architect) 224, 236
jugs, bottle and glasses 236
ringed bottle, bottles 45
ringed bottle, cog-wheel service 45
Ringelbouteillen, see ringed bottle 45
Ritter, Marie (drinking service) 252, 268,
rock crystal 8, 255, 384, 404
Römisch, J. F.; pattem book 34, 36, 38,
Rössler, Bartholomäus (Silberberg, Bona-
ventura), Bohemia 15, 92-94
Rohrbeck (Rohrweck), F. (Franz);
Vienna 16,63
ruby glass 286
Rückl, Ignaz in Tassitz (Bohemia) 55, 74,
75,147, 177,188, 189, 196, 197, 218,
rum bottle with stopper 55
rummer, drinking service “XI” 173
Russia 16
Russian glass 270
Russian vessels, series of 404
salad bowl, drinking service no. 132 291
saladiere, dessert service no. 3 (old) 9,10
Salb, J. (Josef) 24, 286, 287, 293, 294,
series “violet with platinum and gilt dec
oration” ; 24
“Series with oriental enamei decoration”
286, 287
toiletset 293,294
sample, Bohemian, see Bohemian sample
saucer 26, 76, 403
saucer for the butter dish 76
sauciere 328
“Schäleckenschliff”, see cut (cutting)
Schaffer, Anton; employment agreement
(Marienthal, 1843) 132,133
Scheda, Josef (1856) 111,131
Schimpke, Franz (painting) 336
Schmidt, J.; Goldbrunn Glassworks (Bohe
mia) 44,45,49,401
Schmidt, Prof. Friedrich 224, 333
jug and gobiet 333
Schmidt, Robert (1925) 8,15, 97,131,
164, 183, 347
Schmoranz, F. (Franz) (painter)
“Alhambra Series” 31
“Arabian Series” 20
Arabian style 31,358
“Moorish Collection” 21
Moorish decoration 29
Schmoranz, Gustav 20,21,29,31,358
Schmutzer, F. (Ferdinand) 82
School of Applied Arts (Vienna) 241
school report, Ludwig Lobmeyr 100,103
Schufried, Jakob
beaker with cog-wheel base (view of the
Polytechnical School and St. Charles’
Church) 43
Schwarzer, Ernst v.; map (1842) 175, 406-
Schwarzthal (Bohemia) 15,401,411
scones 140,405
seal 97,128,129
seal of Jankovich (Vucin) 129
seal of Josef Lobmeyr 97
Seilern, Count (Glassworks) 183
seitl carafes
see Champagne seitl carafes
seitl cog-wheel mini-carafes 47
Sekulinci (Slavonia) 125
Seona (Slavonia) 108