HIS Service, intended for the
decoration of the Dessert
Table, is designed in the
Roman-Greco style of art,
and was manufactured for
Robert Heath, Esq„ of Bid-
dulph Grange, North Staf-
fordshire, by whose kind
permission it isnowexhibited.
It is very complete in all its details, com-
prising centre-piece with tall end pieces
on plateaux, candelabra, wine coolers,
and fruit Stands, or compotiers for flowers,
fruit, or bon-bons.
The ram’s head, garlands of flowers,
with the tragic and comic masks, form the
leading features in the ornamentation,
which is principally modelled from
works of art discovered at Hercu
The entire Service forms a group both
artistic and effective, and is from designs
by A. Willms.
öcvgolbctem imb orljimtcm Sillicr.
fa|e in
ic§ <äeröice, treld;e§ gur 2fuSfdjmiufung bc8
2>effert=£ifd;eg beftimmt iji, ift im
man * ©reco Jtunftftple gegeic^net unb
für Robert rg> e a 11;, Esq., ©ibbulptj
©ränge, 9iorb=@tafforbfljire, angefertigt
roorben, burcfy beffett gütige drlaubnijj
e§ jejjt auSgefieilt werben fann.
@8 iji in allen feinen Gringelnljeiten
bofljiänbig ttitb beftefjt au8 einem 2luf*
ber SDiitte, mit großen 6eitenauffä|en auf
ißiateaur; foivie ferner ans (SanbelabreS ttttb Dbjlfdjaien
oter dompotier8 für 2Mumen, $rüd)te ober donfect.
2)er SBibberfopf, forvie ©Iumenguirlanben, fammt tra»
gifdjen unb fmnifdjen ÜWaSfen, büren bie *§auptjüge in
ber 2lu8fcpmücfung bebfelben, weld; lefetere ijauptfadüirt;
tiacp Äunjhoerfen mobeflirt würbe, bie mau in •§ercula=
num aufgefunben £;at.
©ab gange Seroice bilbet eine ©nippe, bie ebenfo
effect» al8 funjiöoß aubgefütrt unb bereu 3eid;nung con
21. SBillmS entworfen iji.
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