Volltext: Illustrations of art manufactures in the precious metals exhibited by Elkington & Co.

I N 
And Other Works of Art, 
HIS Table is Exhibited to illustrate 
the adaptation of Electrotyping to 
artides suitable for ornamental fur- 
niture. The entire work is pro- 
duced by depositing metal by Elec- 
tricity into moulds taken from 
original models. In the present 
instance the design is more than 
usually intricate, the pattems having 
been taken direct from the Palace 
of the Alhambra, at Grenada, and 
presented (vvith exclusive Copyright) 
to Elkington & Co., by W. Penrose Mark, Esq., 
H.M. Consul, Malaga. The Equestrian Statuette 
in centre is a portrait of H.M. Queen Victoria, from 
a model by J. H. Foley, R.A. The candelabra on 
either side are in the Byzantine style, and repre- 
sent men in armour. 
The Vases and Wine Cooler on the lower shelf 
are reproductions of famous Roman works of Art 
from the Musee Borbonico and the Villa Albani. 
The manufacturers have profited by the advan- 
tages offered by this process to introduce beautiful 
and varied designs of door furniture, bell pulls, 
knobs, &c., for dining or drawing rooms ; some of 
these have been engraved and described in the 
Art Journal, and specimens are to be seen at 
Elkington & Co.’s display. 
in © ft l u a M o s ^ 1 a ft i f unb ücrgolbetcr $ t o n 3 c. 
tcfcr 3tfd) ifl tiau^tfädjlicf) auSgefiellt, 
um bie Qtmrenbung bcr ©aTyanopIaftiE 
Bei Ulugfdpniicfung »on QlmeuBlementS 
211 ädgen. 
Sie ganje fJIrOeit ifi auf electrifcpent 
ffiege anSgefüfyrt, inbent man Sonnen, 
bie nacfy beut urfprünglidjen SDhtjler ge= 
fertigt mären, in genannter SBeiie mit 
äßetafl a ifüllt. 
3m l)ier gegebenen gatte trar bie 
ßeidmung fdjmieriger als gercötm(id) 
auSjufüljren, ju ber als Original ber 
Qtltjainbra • C|3alafl in ©ranaba biente 
unb nuirbe otefeI6e (mit ausfd)liefilid;em Soptered?te) »on 
'13. ißenrofe üDJarf, SSq., englifcber Sonful in 
SDfalaga, bcn <§emn © I f i n g t o n & 6 o. als @e= 
fc£)enf überfanbt. 
Sie Leiter = ©tatne auf ber 3>?itte beS SifdjeS ifi ein 
Portrait SBrer SCtajeftät ber .Königin SSictoria, nadj 
einem 2Robett »ott 3. i o X e p, Äönigl. Qlcab. 
Sie SanbelaBreS jtt Beiben ©eiten, im Bpjantinifdfen 
©tple gehalten, fletlen .Knappen in dlüflungen ^bar.— 
Sie 9Saf n, fovoie ber ©einfütjler auf beut guftgeflette 
ftnb 9!acpaf)numgen Berühmter römifdjer Äunfboerfe auS 
bem älfufeo SßarBonico unb ber 25iUa 5U6ani. 
5(ndj tyaBen Stfington & So ben 33ort^eiI biefeä 
UlrojeffeS baju ju »enoenben gemufft, bie in ©peife* 
jintmern unb ©alonS angebrachten S^ürengarnituren, 
©lotfengriffe, genfierriegel je. mit fd;önen unb reichen 
aSerjierungen auSjuftatten unb ftnbet man ba»on eine 
Ulnja^l QlBBilbungen famrnt Sßefd)reiBungen im „ s Hrt= 
Journal," forrie man weitere Sremplare in Slting» 
t o n ’ S QlnSfteKung in Ulugenfdjein nehmen fann.


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