Volltext: Official catalogue of the American Department - Vienna Universal Exhibition, 1873

Alphabetical List of Advertisers. 
Allen, J., & Son, New-Fork. American Dentistry. 
Cunard Line British and North American Royal Mail Steamers. Maciver, 
D. & C., 8, Water Street, Liverpool. 
Dixon, Jos., Crucible Co., Jersey City, U. S, A. Facing page 29. 
Dun, Barlow & Co,, New-York. The Mercantile Agency. 
Estey, J., & Co., Brattleboro, Vermont. U. S. A. Cottage Organs. 
Fleming, Thomas, & Son, West Grove Mül, Halifax, Yorhhire, England. Flax, Tow, 
Jute, &c. 
Fox, George, 87, West Second Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. Starch. 
Fries, Alex., & Bros., 26, West Broadway, New-Fork, and 48 and 50, E. Second Street, 
Cincinnati, Ohio. Filters, Oils, &c. 
Gaff, T. & J. W., & Co., Aurora, Indiana. Bourbon and Rye Whiskies. 
Inman, William, Tower Buildings, Water Street, Liverpool. Royal Mail Steamers. 
Johnson, J. M., & Sons, 56, Hatton Garden, London. Printers and Show Tablet Makers. 
Kune, Julian, Chicago. American Lunch Rooms and Bar at Vienna Exhibition. 
Myers, A. G., New-Fork and Vienna. Industrial Bureau. 
Oleophene Oil Co., New-Fork. Illuminating Oils. 
Ramapo Wheel and Foundry Co., Ramapo, Rockland Co„ Neiv-J o/k, U. S. A. Mheels 
for Railway Carriages and Locomotives. 
Remington, E., & Sons, Ilion., N.-Y, and 281 and 283, Broadway, New York. Gun 
Manufacturers and Agricultural Machinists. 
Rollins, John G., & Co, Old Swan Wharf, London, England. American Merchants. 
Royer Wheel Co., 375, West Third Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. Patent Wheels, &c. 
Scoyill Manufacturing Co., New-Fork. Brass and Plated Wares, and Photographie 
Sharpe’s Rifle Manufacturing Co., Hartford, Connecticut, U. S. A. Rifles & Carbmes. 
State Line Steam Ship Company, Limited. Lewis T. Merrow & Co., 65, Great Clyde 
Street, Glasgow. 
Streeter, E. W., 37, Conduit Street, Regent Street, London. Jewellery. 
United States International Exhibition, 1876, at Phtladilphta, Pa. 
Weed». Co., .6, Union Sptm Nm-Yort, a„ä 33 ** mttrn Stn.t, 
London. Inside front Cover. 
Westfield Lock Works, Westfield, N.-F Fine Door Locks and House Hardware, Self- 
Registering Pad-Locks, and Mail Locks. 
Whitney Sewing-Machine Co., 613, Broadway, New-Fork, and9, Newgate Street, London,


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