Singer tablefigurine ” 5536 14000-
» ” ” 5541 14000-
” pairoflovers ” 5548 20000.-
” half figurine (torso) ” 5549 40000-
Kuhn four-arm candelabra ” 5554 12000-
Kopriva candelabra ” 5555 7500-
Flögl groupofstags ” 5561 10000-
Singer ceramic table figurine ” 5557 14000-
” ” ” 5558 14000.-
Approyer pot ” 5559 3000.-
” bowl ” 5556 5000.-
Singer girl w. pear ” 5562 40000.-
In the “KO-Buch” itself the respective remuneration is often numerically set apart (e.g.,
no. 5635 “Honorar 500,000" - the amount 250,000 is crossed out) or listed as a portion
of the value (e.g., no. 5637 “Honorar 1/6 of 1,800,000” -). Some of these artists’names
already known to us are to be found in the - incomplete - personnel data in the archives
of the Wiener Werkstätte. Many of the most significant women artists are listed in the
“Entwurf” section (design).
The economic ups and downs of the Wiener Werkstätte did not fail of course to have an
effect on the lives of the ceramic artists; the financial crisis in the Wiener Werkstätte in
1925 brought things down to such an extent (in June of that year Primavesi had
withdrawn from the Wiener Werkstätte; on Feb. 14,1926 legal settlement proceedings
with creditors were opened), that many a working relationship had to be terminated.
Susi Singer-Schinnerl (“Entwurf”) had left on July 31,1925, Lotte Calm (“Entwurf”) on
Sept. 30,1925, Kitty Rix (“Entwurf”) on Sept. 30,1925. Katharina Tichacek (presumably
Kitty Rix-Tichacek) began work on Nov. 4,1927 and was included as of June 1,1928 in
the monthly payroll. Rudolf Knörlein (“Keramik”) left on Dec. 15,1926; Julius Zimpel
(“Entwurf”) had died on Aug. 11,1925.
As may be gleaned from the archives, most of the workers and employees of the Wiener
Werkstätte received weekly remuneration. Monthly remuneration surely indicated a
kind of promotion. For some of the women artists we have documents attesting to this
employee Status: with reference to Gudrun Baudisch (who began work on a voluntary
basis on Sept. 20,1926), we know that she was active as a “designer and executor of
ceramics for payment” as of Jan. 10,1927, and as of Jan. 6,1928, she appears on the
monthly pay roster. Mathilda Flögl (“Entwurf") appears in the “Monatsgehalt” (monthly
payroll) as of Jan. 1,1926, as did Maria Strauss-Likarz. Erna Kopriva, who entered on
July 19,1926, appears in the monthly pay roster as of Aug. 1,1928.
Abb. 10. Einband des Buches “Originalkeramiken” der Wiener Werkstätte, Außenformat 41,5 x 26,5 cm.
- Österreichisches Museum für angewandte Kunst, Inv. WW MB 28 (aus dem Nachlaß der Wiener