Volltext: Ausstellung neuer amerikanischer Baukunst

1. Fiske Kimball, Eearly american domestic Aichilcclure, New York 
2. Joseph Everett Chandler, The Colonial House, New York 
3. Harold Donaldson Eberlein, The Architeclure of Colonial Ame 
rica, ßoston 1924 
4. Lewis A. Coffin jr. & Arihur C. Holden, ßrick Archileclure of 
Ihe Colonial Period in Maryland & Virginia, New York 1919 
5. Louis L. Howe and Constance Füller, Details from Old New 
England Houses, New York 1913 
6. William Gotch Ware, Georgian Period, Vol. 1—111, New York 1923 
7. Ralph Clarke Kingman, New England Georgian Architeclure, 
New York 1913 
8. Miliar, Some Colonial an Georgian Houses, Vol. I—11, New Yorlr 
9. Sims and Willing, Old Philadelphia Colonial Detail, Vol. I, New 
10. Cunningham, Measured Drawings of Georgian Architeclure in 
the District of Columbia, Vol. I, New York 
11. French, Colonial Interiors, New York 
12. Wallace Nutting, Furniture of the Pilgrim Century (1620—16/0), 
Framingham 1924 
13. Rexford Newcomb, The Franciscan Mission Architeclure of Alfa 
California, New York 1916 
14. The American Hospital of the Twentieth Century, New York 1921 
15. Werner Hegemann and Elbert Peels, The American Vitruvius, 
New York 1922 
16. Jagues Greber, L’architecture aux Etals-Unis, Paris 1920 
17. F. R. Vogel, Das amerikanische Haus, ßerlin 1910 
18. D’Espouy, Fragments D’Architecture Antique, Vol. 11, New York 
19. Archives de la Commission des Monuments historiques; Selecled 
Monuments of French Gothic Architeclure, Vol. 11, New York 1924


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