— 16 —
The departments of the different nations
were divided off by radial or transversal
galleries intorsecting all the anuular gal-
leries. In following ono of the radial
galleries the visitor successively reviewed
all the different products of the same
country, while in passing through an an-
nular gallery he was enabled to compare
the same dass of goods from all countries.
It would also liave beeil possible to make
the anuular galleries correspond to the
different national departments, by pro-
portioning their size to the importance of
the country, and then to so arrauge the
goods, that the transversal galleries would
always intersect the same dass of goods.
The fadlity for comparativestudies, and
particularly for the work of the Jury, which
similar Systems of arrangement öfter, are
evident, and need no coniment. They can
of course be as easily adapted to buildings
of angular form, as to those of circular
form. And as the outward appearance
can therefore be varied at will, it would
perhaps have beeil advisable to have
adopted such an arrangement once for all,
at least for those classes of goods, which
it is the object of the exhibition to bring
into comparison.
Perfectly compatible with such arrange
ment of the main buildiug are separate ex-