instruction, with good examples, while tlie latter will depend upon
the activity and tlie diligence of tlie pupil. On the wliole, the Bava
rian Industrial Improvement Schools, to judge by the specimens
exhibited, leave much to he desired as yet in both respects. The main
reason for the poor results may, indeed, he sought in the fact, that
the preparation of the pupils in the elementary schools is exceed-
ingly unequal, and that the -sveaker part of the pupils of these
preparatory classes generally finds its waj _ into the Improvement
Schools ; but local circumstances which hinder a systematic prose-
cution of the course of instruction must also be taken into ac-
count. Good drawing-copies would therefore be of the most
urgent necessity in the drawing-classes. But wdioever looked over
the portfolios of this category of schools was compelled to ac-
knowledge, that, for the present, there are great defects existing
in this respect. Forms of Ornament are still commonly in use
which are antiquated, and which but rarely have any reference to
practical application. As regards the technique, shading is
mostly commenced too soon ; the drawing of forms is frequently
abandoned too early, and recourse is had to making pictures of
landscapes. In linear drawing, the elements of geometry are
wanting in most of the schools; instruments are used in the first
stages in drawing decorations of surfaces, mosaic floors, &c. ; and
these exercises are followed up by projection and architectural
The only praiseworthy exception was made by the school at
Töls, which exhibited good outline Ornaments, and very respecta-
ble drawings in various specialties. Günzburg also showed to
better advantage ; the institutions of Werdenfels, Landsberg, and
Aichach likewise gave evidence of good intentions. In the Im
provement Schools of an agricultural tendency, topographical
drawing is here and there practiced with tolerable success.
Better results are naturally rgached in the day-schools; and the
Institution at Rosenheim had sent very excellent work. In this
Connection, the specimens furnished by the Building Trades School
at Ratisbon must also be mentioned. They cleaily illustrated
the course of instruction in all tlie branches of building drawing,
and were among the best of their kind in the Bavarian Fxhibi-