Volltext: The British Section at the Vienna Universal Exhibition, 1873 (Fine art galleries, industrial, agricultural and machinery halls, and park) - Official Catalogue, with plans and illustrations

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Catalogue of the British Section. 
Lincoln.—Patent Adjustable Rotary Corn- 
Screens ; Seed-dressing Machine; Canadian 
Cast Steel Forks; Hoes, and Rakes. (591) 
NER, Suffolk Ironworks, Stowmarket.— 
Crushing and Grinding Mills for grain, 
linseed, &c., for steam power, price 
17/. 17s. od. Ditto ditto, for horse or two- 
man power, 12/. Ditto ditto, for one man, 
81. 8s. od. Linseed and Malt Mill, price 
61 6s. oil. “ Universal ” Mill, worked by a 
big boy, 61. 6s. 0d. Portable Combined 
Steam Engines and Boiler, 90/. Corn Mill, 
with French burr, 231. 10s. 0d. Oilcake 
Breakers, 3/. ior. od. and 7/. Horse Gear, 
14/. 14s. od. Root Pulpers, 3/. izs. 6d. to 
5/. Ihrashing Machine, for horse-power, 
36/. (592) 
CLARKE & DUNHAM, 48, Mark 
Lane, London.—Grain-Cleaning Machines— 
Smut Machine, Separator, Sorter, Wirework; 
Millstone, Millstone Balance, Steel Smelt 
Wire, and Mill Bills; Needle Lubricators. 
GARRETT, R., & SONS, Leiston 
Works, Suffolk.—Portable Steam Engines 
and Thrashing Machinery; Corn-drills, 
Horse-hoes, Manure Distributors. (594) 
Salford, Afanches/er. — ChafF-cutting Ma- 
chines, Crushing Mills, and Horse Gear. 
WALLIS & STEVENS,Basingstoke. 
-Portable Steam Engine, 8 horse power, 
with Patent Feed Water Heater, price 255/.; 
Portable Steam Thrashing and Finishing 
Machine, price 145/.; Horse-power Thrash 
ing Machine, 73/. ioj. ; Model of Patent 
Folding Elevator (596). 
COMPANY, 28, Market Buildings, Mark 
Lane, London.—Corn Grinding Mill, with 
French Burr Stones, Smutting Machine and 
Corn Screen, and Wheat Separator; Wirework 
for Malt KilnFloors, containing 6,912 meshes 
to the square foot; Steel and Iron Round 
and Square Bar Smut Wire, woven of any 
size, width, and number of holes ; Chron- 
drometer, with English, Austrian, or other 
scale, for ascertaining the Weight of Corn 
per bushel, &c. ; Perforated Plates for Smut 
Machines; Cement for Malting Floors, 
Concrete, &c. ; Silk used for Dressing 
Flour; Wirework for Paper Making, Sieves, 
and other uses; Rice Shelling, Cleaning, 
and Polishing Stones; Mill Implements 
and Tools; Pulley Blocks, Hoists, Leather 
Felting, Grindstones, Haircloth, &c.; Pland 
Drill and Seed Sower ; Wire of all kinds. 
iree, and 40, Gracechurch Street, London.— 
Steam Engine ; 8-horse power Expansion 
Portable Engine, with Enlarged Firebox; 
8-horse power PortableCombinedThrashing 
and Corn Dressing Machine, to prepare 
corn for market. (599) 
EDWARDS, G. B., High House, 
Bredfield, Woodbridge.-—Drills for dropping 
beetroot seed in tufts or bunches ; Drills for 
dry manure. (600) 
Kirke White Street, Nottingham.—Beaters for 
Thrashing Machines ; Malleable Iron 
Castings. (601) 
LEWIN, S., Poole, Dorsetshire.— 
Steam Engines, portable, fixed, and marine; 
Thrashing Machines and Elevators; Waggon 
Loader, Ploughs, and Circular Saw Bench ; 
Portable Engine, 4-horse power, similar 
to the above-mentioned, with Thrashing 
Machine suitable for such engine; Strong 
and Simple Chaff Cutter. (602) 
Street Iron Works, Peterborough.—Corn Grind 
ing Mills, Oil Cake Mills, Rollers ; Steam 
Cooking Apparatus; Models of Road- 
roller, Steam Plough, and Campain’s Anchor 
for Steam Cultivation. (603) 
lington Foundry, Lincoln.—Eight horse Port 
able Steam Engine; Portable Thrashing 
Machine. (604) 
REID, B., & COMPANY, Bon- 
Accord Works, Abei'deen.—11 - row Patent 
“Disc” Corn and Seed Drill; 10-feet


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