Volltext: The British Section at the Vienna Universal Exhibition, 1873 (Fine art galleries, industrial, agricultural and machinery halls, and park) - Official Catalogue, with plans and illustrations

Catalogue of the British Section. 
BARLOW, T. O., A.R.A., Auburn Lodge, Victoria Road, Kensington, London. 
122 House of Commons in 1860, after J. Phillip, R.A. 
123 Sisters of Mercy, after Madame Henriette Browne. 
124 The Death of Chatterton, after H. Wallis. 
BRANDARD, E. P., 2, Albion Grove, Bamsbury, London. 
125 Men-of-War, Plymouth—Rough Weather. 
COUSINS, S., R.A., 24, Camden Square, London. 
126 Bolton Abbey in the Olden Times. 
127 Louis XVI. and Family, Prisoners in the Temple. 
CRUIKSHANK, G. 263, Hampstead Road, London. 
128 Four Frontispieces to “ Fairy Library.”—Etchings. 
129 Opening of the Great International Exhibition in London, in 
1851. Etching. 
EVANS, E., Racquet Court, Fleet Street, London. 
130 Engravings on Wood. 
FAED, J., 14, Comely Bank, Edinburgh. 
131 Mezzotint Engraving of Her Grace the Duchess of Sutherland. 
132 The Young Waltonian, Mezzotint and Etching. 
Duty and Pleasure, after C. Green .. 
Tasting-Order at the London Docks, after W. Small 
GRAVES, R., the Late, A.E., 20, Grove Terrace, Highgate Road, London. 
133 Mrs. Graham, after Gainsborough. 
134 Mrs. Lloyd, after Reynolds. 
135 Duchess of Devonshire, after Gainsborough. 
GREATBATCH, W., 2, Crescent Place, Momington Crescent, London. 
136 Dogs of Mount St. Bernard. 
137 Our Saviour, after Carlo Dolce. 
HARRALL, H., 4, Palsgrave Place, Temple Bar, London. 
138 Engraving on Wood. 
139 Ditto Ditto. 
140 Ditto Ditto. 
Ditto Ditto


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