io8 Catalogüe of the British Section.
SLOCOMBE, E., 31, King Henry’s Walk, Islington, London.
162 Marian—A fireside study.
163 Four Illustrations of Ovid’s Metamorphoses.
SLOCOMBE, F., 31, King Hemy’s Walle, Islington, London.
164 The River Thames, from the Tower of London.
165 Moonlight, on the Coast of Wales.
STOCKS, LTJMB, R.A.. 9, Richmond Villa, Seven Sisters’ Road, Holloway, London.
166 Claude Duval, after W. P. Frith, R.A.
167 “ O, Nannie, wilt thou gang wi’ me?” after Thomas Faed, R.A.
163 The Gentle Shepherd, after Sir D. Wilkie,
SWAIN, JOSEPH, 6, Bouverie Street, Whitefriars
169 Frame of Wood Engravings for Books.
169a The Sheikh, after Carl Haag
1694 Houseless and Hungry, after S. L. Fildes
169r An Odalisque, after Richter
169(4 Thomas Carlyle, after a Photograph ..
169(? Emperor Napoleon III. after Death, J
S. L. Fildes
TOMKINS, C. A., 8, Dover Terrace, Coldharbour Lane, Camberwell, London.
170 The Maiden’s Prayer, engraved on Steel, from the original picture by Perrault.
171 Portrait of the Right Rev. J. W. Colenso, D.D., Bishop of Natal, engraved
on Steel, from the original picture by S. Sidley.
172 Jochabed.
VINTER, JOHN ALFRED, Lithographer in Ordinary to Her Majesty, 29, Monmouth Road,
Bayswater, London.'
173 Balmoral, 1860, after Sir E. Landseer, R.A.
WARD, G. R., 38, Fitzroy Square, London.
174 Dwarkannaught, Tagore, after Fred. Say.
175 Pasha of Egypt, after T. Brigstocke.
176 Earl of Harewood and Hounds, after Sir Francis Grant, P.R.A.
WHISTLER, J. A. M., 2, Lindsay Road, Battersea, London.
177 Six Etchings .. .. .. .. Lent by James Anderson Rose, Esq.
WILLMORE, A., 4, Compton Street, Regent’s Square, London.
178 The Ashes of Germanicus, after J. M. W. Turner, R.A.
179 The Foot Bridge, after J. C. Hook, R.A.
180 The Squall, after David Cox
181 A Calm, after David Cox.
,_ London.
from Drawing by
' ‘ J Lent by the
Proprietors of
^ “ The Graphic ”