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Catalogue of the British Section.
Education, Teaching- and Instruction.
Edücation : Exhibition of all the Arrangements and Contrivances for the better Nursing Training and
Reanng of Children; their Physical and Mental Development from the first days of their life up to
School-time; their Nounshment. Cradles, Nurseries, &c.; Child Gardens (kinter-garten) Child
Games and Amüsements, Child Gymnastics. Teaching : Exhibition of School Houses and School
Apparatus in Models, Drawings, and Examples. Exhibition of Means of Instruction. The Works aud
Journals of Instruction. Descnption and Illustrations of Methods of Instruction. History and
Statistics of a School, its Organisation and Laws. Elementary Schools : This department will
include Apparatus for the Instruction of the Blind, Deaf, Dumb, and Idiots. Middle Schools •
Comprehendmg Gymnasiums, “Realschulen,” or Schools whereinexact Science and Modern Languages
are taught. Professional and Technical Colleges. Universities. Instruction in the
more Limited Sense : Instruction of Adults through Literature, the Public Press, Public Libraries
and Jiducational Societies, and Associations for Instruction.
HAWES, George E., Chapel Field,
Norwich.—Desks and Seats for Schools.
HAVET, Alfred G., 24, Char
lotte Square, Edinburgh.—Educational Works,
French and German. (731)
DÄMON, Robert, Weymouth.—
Types and Genera of recent Mollusca, with
Catalogue. (732)
LOTH, Professor J. T., 27,
Rutland Street, Edinburgh.—German Educa
tional Works. French for Children, with
Key ; Tourist’s Conversational Guide in
English, French, German, and Italian.
Edinburgh. — Educational Works — Text
Books, &c., of Zoology, Geology, Meteor-
ology, Geography, History, Arithmetic,
Physics, Agriculture, Navigation, Etymology,
Composition, &c. (734)
BOASE, Miss, Edinburgh.—Work,
entitled “ A Century of Banking, from 1764
to 1864, with Memoranda concerning Scotch
and English Banking during that periodr”
GERRARD, Edward, 31, College
Flace, Camden Toivli, London. — Stuffed
Specimens and Skeletons of Propithecus
-Edwards», Orang Outan & Chlamydopherus
Truncatus; Heads of Moorhua Vulgaris,
Ovis Aries, Caauana Caretta, and Hortulia
Seboe. (736)
RUNDELL, J. B., 34A, Pembroke
Square, Kensington, London.—Shorthand ; a
new System, with adaptations to the Eng
lish, French, German, and Italian Languages.
CALLAGHAN, William, 23A, New
Pond Street, London. — School Furniture,
made on the System of Dr. Liebreich, of St.
Thomas’s Hospital, London, and adopted
by the London School Board. (795)
ARMITAGE, Dr., British and
Foreign Blind Association. — Educational
Works for the Blind, (737)
SIMMONDS, Peter Leonard, 29,
Cheapside, London.—Collection of 62 Com-
mercial varieties of Cotton. Collection of
51 samples of Laundry Starches, and edible
Meals and Starches, scientifically named,
comprising the principal varieties of Arrow-
roots, Tapiocas, Sagos, Capavas, &c., of
commerce. (742*)
MOSS, John F., 17, Old Hay-
market, Sheffield.—Patent School Desk, in-
vented by Exhibitor. (716)