Volltext: The British Section at the Vienna Universal Exhibition, 1873 (Fine art galleries, industrial, agricultural and machinery halls, and park) - Official Catalogue, with plans and illustrations

Catalogüe of the British Section. 
jPreliminary Arrangement. 
Prime movers (steam generators, steam-engines, 
water-wheels, turbines, pressure engines, air, wind, 
and electro-magnetic engines, gas machines. 
Machines for transmitting power (shafts, wheels, 
pulleys, bands, &c. 
Machinery for working special kinds of materials 
(machines for mining, metallurgy, metal work, and 
wood work; machines for spinning, weaving, 
knitting, sewing, and embroidering; machines for 
fulling, cleansing, shearing, dyeing; machines for 
bleaching, leather-dressing, &c.; machines for 
paper manufactures and bookbinding, for typc- 
founding, printing, lithography, copper-plate print 
in g, colour printing, &c. ; machines and apparatus 
for sugar-making, oil manufacture, breweries dis- 
tilleries, Stearine, soap, candles, starch, ice-making, 
match-making, com mills, and agricultural ma 
chinery and apparatus). 
Other machinery not belonging to the above-men* 
tioned (blast-engines, fire engines, pumps, Ven 
tilators, &c.). 
Materials and parts of machinery. 
Railway machinery (locomotives, tenders, railway 
velocipedes and parts of them, railway carriages 
and parts composing them, special machinery and 
apparatus for railway workshops and railway con- 
trivances; for making and maintaining railway 
plant; snow ploughs, &c.). 
Steam guages, dynamometers, tradiometers, &c. 
All sorts of vehicles not concemed with rail. 
Statistics of production. 
Groups and Sections for the Juries. 
ist Section. Prime-movers machines for transmitting 
power; parts of machinery. 
2nd Section. Machines for working special kinds of 
material (with the exception of Agricultural Ma 
chines, which are classified in Group II). 
31-d Section. Means of Transport and other plant 
for Railways. 
4th Section. Street Locomotives, and other kinds of 
Agricultural Machinery. 
Philosophical, Surgical Instruments. 
Preliminary A rrangement. 
Mathematical, astronomical, physical, and chemi ca j 
instruments (instruments for measuring, weighi 
and dividing, for optical purposes and elec^.?, 
telegraphy). ( a . !P C 
Surgical instruments and apparatus rtificial limbs, 
teeth, &c.). . 
Horological instmments, clocks, watches, and their 
parts (chronoscopes, chronographs, electric clocks). 
Statistics of production. 
Groups and Sections for the Juries. 
ist Section. Mathematical, Astronomical, and Physi 
cal Instruments. Chemical Apparatus. 
2nd Section. Clocks and Watches. 
3rd Section. Surgical Instruments.


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