Volltext: The British Section at the Vienna Universal Exhibition, 1873 (Fine art galleries, industrial, agricultural and machinery halls, and park) - Official Catalogue, with plans and illustrations

Note.— The figures inserted after the Catalogue entriss represent the British Rotation Numbers of the 
Exhibitors. The Austrian Ojjicial Numbers will be added in the next edition. 
Mining, Qnarrying, and Metallurgy. 
Mineral Fuels (Coals, Shales, and Mineral Oils). Mineral Ores and Metals. Other Minerals 
(as Salt, Sulplmr, Graphite, &c.); not inciuding Building Materials; vide Group 18. Natural 
Alloys. Drawings and Models of Objects Relating to Mining, Metallurgy, and 
Mineral Industry, Mining Engineering, Surveying and Map Making. Geological 
Works, and Geological Maps, &c. Tools and Inventions for Mining and Metallurgy— 
for Underground and Surface Work. 
INSOLE, G., & SON, Cardiff, I 
Wales.—Coals—-Merthyr Smokeless Steam 
Coal, Abergorki Locomotive Steam Coal, 
Low Main Smelting and Coking Coal; 
Foundry and Smelting Coke; Fossils and 
Fractures from the Steam Coal Seam. (i) 
(per Palmer, Hall, and Company), Nau- 
castle-on-Tyne\ and Cardiff, Wales. — Sec- 
tion of Upper Four Foot Seam Coal from 
^Aberdare Colliery. (2) 
\ BROAD, W., Woodlane Terrace, Fal- 
mouth. — Mineralogi cal specimens from 
Cornwall; Plans and Drawings, and Works 
on i(he Mineralogy of Cornwall and Devon- 
shire, and on Mining and Quarrying. (3) 
WH IT WELL, Thomas, Stock ton- 
on-Tees.—Drawings and Models of Patent 
Hot Blast Fire Brick Stoves; Blast Furnace; 
Apparatus for Utilization of Blast Furnace 
Gases; Whitwell’s Regenerators for Smelt 
ing Copper, Lead, and Zinc, and for 
other Metallurgical operations producing 
fumes; Bessemer, Charcoal, and other Pig 
Iron produced by furnaces with Whitwell’s 
Fire Brick Stoves. (5) 
(See Appendix.) 
SIEMENS, C. William, C.E., F.R.S., 
D.C.L., 3, Great George Street, WestminsUr.-—• 
Models of Furnaces and Apparatus for the 
direct production of Iron and Steel from 
the Ore, by the Siemens Process; with speci 
mens of Iron and Steel made by this process, 
and the Materials employed in their pro 
duction. (4.) 
EATON, R., 24, Old Square, Lin 
coln! s Inn, London.—Model of a Coal Mine. 
(3 Z 0 
Atlas Wortes, Woodfield Road, Harroiv Road, 
London.—Patent Condensed Peat (324) 
Royal Salt Works, Winsford, Cheshire.—Salt 
in various forms. (18) 


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