Metal Industry.
Works, Sheffield.—Knives, Razors, Scissors,
and Dressing Case Instruments. (275)
Oxford Street, London.—Fine worked Steel
Cutlery; Ladies’ Etuis; Razors; Hunting,
Pen, and Pocket Knives ; Scissors; Table
Cutlery. (276)
Bradford, Yorkshire.—Iron and Steel—Boiler
Plates; Steel and Iron Tires, Axles and Bar
Iron ; Steel Castings. Illustrations of pro-
portions of Coal, Ironstone, and Limestone
employed to produce the cube of iron
shown. Drawings of Engines, and Photo-
graphs of the Works. (277)
Coalbrook-dale, Shropshire. —Grand Entrance
in Mediseval style, consisting of a pair of
Wrought Iron Gates, 2 Hand Gates, 4 Pillars,
and short lengths of Railing to match,
executed from .designs by B. J. Talbert,
Esq. ; the enrichments are of cast iron,
applied, and the twisted bars are produced
by Tuddenham’s patent process, with two
lengths of Wrought and Cast Railing
on either side. (The above enclose the
space between the two North entrances
to the British section). The Gates, Rail-
ings, Gas Pillars, &c., enclosing the
house of the Royal British Commission,
viz.: — The principal entrance of cast
sheet fence and gates, terminated by 2 gas
pillars ; the 2 lengths improved cast pali-
sade fence on either side ; a length of cast
sheet balcony railing on east side ; the west
entrance to the building of patent twisted
angle bar fence and gates; a length of the
same fence of various designs on west and
north sides ; a length of bracket railing on
east side within the grounds. Various coats
of arms and trophies in and about the house
of Royal British Commission. Garden
Chairs in grounds and park:—Osmunda
Regalis, Water Plant, Mediseval, Midsummer
Night’s Dream, Nasturtium, Horse Chest-
nut, and Medallion. Vases in grounds and
park :—Milton, Night and Morning, Classic,
and Jardiniäre. Flower Stands in grounds
and park, with shelves and dishes. Garden
Rollers on improved principle (in Agriqul-
.ural Hall). (278)
1 (See Appendix.)
63, St. Vincent Street, Glasgow.—Galvanized
and Corrugated Sheet Iron. (279)
FIELD & SON, 233, Holborn,
London.—Police Bull’s Eye Lanterns. (320)
PANY, Leeds.—Iron Wheels, Axles and
Tyres for railway carriages and other vehi-
cles. Specimens of best Yorkshire Iron.
(See Appendix.)
SPEAR & JACKSON, Etna Works,
Sheffield.—Steel, Steel Forgings, &c.; Saws,
Files, Edged Tools, Elastic Steel Agricultural
and Horticultural Tools; Engineers’, Smiths’,
Mining and Quarrying Tools. (281)
(See Appendix.)
CAMMELL, Charles, & COM
PANY, Cyclops Steel and Lron Works, Shef
field.—Rolled Iron and Armour Plates and
their fastenings; Steel Tires, Axles, Rail
way Springs, Rails, Castings, Screw Pro
pellers, &c., and Steel in bars. (797)
BALDWIN, E. P. & W., Wilden
Works, near Stourport.— Sheet Iron, Tin
Plates, Button Iron, &c. (284)
(See Appendix.)
PERKINS, B., & SON, 141, Cannon
Street, London. — Tin, Iron Plate, and
Japanned Wares; Toilet Furniture, Baths,
Dish Covers, Tea-Trays, Coal Vases. (285)
Tower Street and 8, Haymarket,, London, and
23, Rue du Pont Neuf Paris.—Wine Bins;
Machines and Implements for the manage
ment of wincs; Soda Water Apparatus ;
Beer Engines and Pumps ; Knife Cleaners,
and other domestic appliances; Grape-
Crushing Machine. (286)
WARD & PAYNE, 114, West Street,
Sheffield.—Sheep Shears and Edge Tools.
WILLS, A. W., Park Mills, Nechells,
Birmingham. — Edge Tools, Axes, Adzes,
Hooks, Hoes, Spades, Shovels, Spuds, and
Forks of solid cast-steel. (288)
(See Appendix.)