2,91/. Benzoin. Styrax benzoin.
2,923. Mungachi. Terminalia angustifolia.
2,925n. Banapu. Terminalia tomentosa.
2,925c. Gum animi (garbled). Trachylobium mo-
2,927. Gum piney. Yateria indica.
The exhibits under this group are very few, con-
sisting of a small Collection of plants used as pot-
herbs, and a colleetion of horticultural seeds. A
few additional nuts and dried fruits are placed here
for convenience instead of dividing them between
this section and section 3, and group IV.
Piants used as potherbs, from Gowalpara, exhihited
by the Bengal Committee.
7,870,4G.9. Meti.
7.871, 470. Halim.
7.872, 471. Chuka.
7.873, 472. Palong.
7.874, 473. Goleelall.
7.875, 474. Matar gach.
7,87ö, 475. Boro bothooa.
7.877, 47(). Gua mouri.
7.878, 477. Rai soro.
7.879, 478. Peringa.
7.880, 479. Babooree.
7.881, 480. Poodena.
7.882, 481. Choto bothooa.
7.883, 482. Radhuni.
7,884,483. Salaj.
7.885, 484. Lai sag.
7.886, 485. Posta.
7.887, 486. Indigo plant.
7.888, 487. Koosum.
Collection of Horticultural Seeds, ejchibited by Mr. V.
Fretwell, Khandeish.
7.251. Adga seed.
7.252. Popaya seed.
7.253. Jungle Bor.
7.254. Cultivated Bor.
7.255. Shitaphul seed.
7.256. “ Seoga ” seed.
7.257. “ Karlee” seed.
7.258. “ Binjal ” seed.
7.259. “ Bhenda ” seed.
7.260. “Abai”seed.
7.261. “Val” seed.
7.262. “ Gowar ” seed.
7.263. “ Turbooj ” seed.
7.264. “ Cucumber ” seed.
7.265. “ Kurbooj ” seed.
7.266. “Toorai” seed.
7.267. “ Chakrie ” seed.
7.268. “ Gungaphul ” seed.
7.269. “ Gelki ” seed.
7.270. “ Sunflower ” seed.
Edible Nuts and Dried Fruits.
7,274. Walnuts. From Aden. Bombay Committee.
7,277- Almonds. From Aden. Bombay Committee.
7.279. Almonds. From H.H. the Guickwar of
7.280. Dried grapes. From H.H. the Giuckwar of
7,282. Mika. From H.H. the Guickwar of Baroda.
1.532. Country almond. Terminalia catappa.
8,804. Country almond. Terminalia catappa. Ben
2,356. Country almond. Terminalia catappa. India
2,313. Cashew. Anacardium oecidentale. India
1.533. Cashew. Anacardium occidentale. Madras.
2,338. Tamara. Nelumbium speciosum. India
400. Tamara. Nelumbium speciosum. Madras.
2,358. Singhara. Trapa bispinosa. India Museum.
7.281. Dried mowha. Bassia latifolia. Baroda.
992. Dried mowha. Bassia latifolia. Nagpur.
3,755, 3,754. Dried mowha. Bassia latifolia. N. W.
These are the dried fieshy calyces of the flowers
resembling raisins in appearance and taste. From
them the Mowha spirit is distilled.
7,849. Tamarinds. Bengal.
7,848, 7,853. Dried mango. Bengal.