Volltext: A classified and descriptive catalogue of the Indian department, Vienna Universal Exhibition 1873

6,108. Amonum korarima. Aden. 
5,228. Aloes. Aden. 
847. Trigonella foenum greeum. Indore. 
Medieinal Substances from Sind. 
393. Nappo (seed). Nymphsea pubescens. Lake 
Munehur, Sind. 
398. Loonak jo beej. Rumex sp. Chalo Hindoo 
of Boobue. 
400. Nelumbiumspeciosum (seeds). Lake Munehur. 
401. Fceniculum panmorium. Thuddoo Hindoo of 
Boobue, Sind. 
402. Cashnee. Cichoriumendivia. Dhoolano Hindoo. 
403. Trigonella foenum grsecum. Thawur Hindoo. 
404. Cuminum cyminum. Dhurmo Hindoo. 
405. Coriandrum sativum. Thuddoo Hindoo. 
406. Carrot seed. Daucus carota. Phagoon Hindoo. 
40/. Allium sativum. Lahoree Hindoo. 
408. Nelumbium speciosum (root). Lake Munehur. 
409. Lohr. Nymphsea pubescens (root). Lake 
Medieinal Substances from Berar. 
815. Coriander. Coriandrum sativum. 
816. Jira. 
819. Ajivan. Ptychotis ajowan. 
820. Raj geera. 
822. Turmeric. Curcuma longa. 
823. Garlic. Allium sativum. 
824. Onions. Allium cepa. 
825. Chillies. Capsicum sp. 
Medieinal Substances from the N.W. Provinces, 
exhibited by the Local Committee. 
994. Tikhur Kanda root. 
995. Kali Misri. 
996. Mahul Shahur. 
997. Marbodth, alias Sahbramull. 
998. Bhooi Ghussur root. 
999. Kilchi Kanda root. 
1,000. Semar Kanda root. 
1,001. Bunsingarah. 
1,002. Kapus Kanda root. 
1,003. Keo Kanda root. 
360 Medieinal Substances from Amritsar, exhibited 
by the Local Committee. 
3.493. Akalbir. Datisca cannabina. 
3,500. Harmal. Peganum harmala. 
3,497. Cuscuta reflexa. 
3.494. Cupressus sempervirens. 
Medieinal Substances from Oude, exhibited by the 
Loeal Committee. 
2,577- Ajwan. Ptychotis ajowan. 
3.580. Fennel. Foeniculum vulgare. 
3.581. Coriander. Coriandrum sativum. 
3,587. Ginger. Zingiber offieinale. 
3,595. Fenugrec. Trigonella Foenum greeum. 
3,601. Carraways. Carum nigrum. 
3,610. Turmeric. Curcuma longa. 
Speeimens of the barks of Cinchona succirubra 
and Cinchona calisaya, mossed and unmossed, grown 
on the Neilgherries. Exhibited by Clements R. 
Markham, London. 
Collection of speeimens of Cinchona Bark grown 
in the Neilgherries. Exhibited by W. G. 
Mclvor, Ootacamund. 
1.476. Cinchona bark from Cinchona succirubra from 
trees 10 years old. 
1.477. Cinchona bark from Cinchona succirubra, 
mossed bark. 
1.478. Cinchona bark from Cinchona succirubra, re- 
newed bark, 20 months old. 
1.479. Cinchona bark from Cinchona succirubra, 
two years old. 
1.480. Cinchona bark from Cinchona officinalis, var. 
crespilla, from trees 9 years old. 
1.481. Cinchona bark from Cincona officinalis, var. 
crespilla, from trees nine years old. 
1.482. Grey bark from Cinchona micrantha from trees 
10 years old. 
A Collection of Cinchona bark from the India 
Museum, London. 
Cinchona bark from Cinchona succirubra and 
Cinchona calisaya, grown in the Neilgherries, mossed 
and unmossed. 
Cinchona bark grown at Kangra, 
Cinchona bark grown at Darjeeling. 
Dr. Kanny Loli Gey, Rai Balladur, Calcutta. 
4,624. Coccus cacti. 
4.672. Leech. Hirudo sp. 
4.673. Honey. Mel. 
4,694. Meloe. Mylabris cichorii. 
4,737. Polynemus plebeus. Sele muchi. 
Surgeon G. Bidie, Madras. 
1,592-3. Coccus lacca. (2 sorts.) 
Amritsar Local Committee. 
Speeimens of 14 animal substances used as physic. 
India Museum, London. 
Hirudo (species). 
Leeches. Eng. Aluk, Kheeraheen. A. Zeloo. 
P. Jaluka. Sans. Jonk. Guz.; H. Attei. 
Tarn. Jalagh and Jerika. Tel. Patchet. Ma- 
layalam. Koodalla. Cyn. Calcutta. 
Leeches are extremely abundant in Northern and 
Southern India, and are procurable, especially during 
the wet season or monsoon, in the neighbourhood 
of tanks and swamps. They are also bred by 
certain low caste Hindoos and Mussulmans to a 
considerable extent in the Deccan and other parts 
of India. 
India Museum, London, 
Mylabris (various species). 
Blistering beetle. Eng. Sona-makhi. H. Telini, 
or Tclee-mukhee. B. Vundoo-poochee. Madras. 
7,015. Lyttasp. ? 
Blistering beetle. Eng. Munguldge, Assam. 
These insects have long been used in Indian 
hospitals, as a Substitute for the European Cantharis 
vesicatoria. They abound in many parts of India, 
and are very destructive to the species of Hibiscus, 
Roses, &c.


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