Devi Sahai and Chamba mal. Amritsar.
Pieees (4) of Amritsar malidä. Grey, light brown,
and dark brown.
Pieees (2) of Cashmere malida. Grey and drab.
Lahore Jail.
Hearth-rug, new sbawl pattem.
Mysore Local Committee.
Bangalore pile carpet mg.
Do. do. prayer pattem.
Central Jail, Bangalore.
Pile carpets (2). Persian flower pattem and prayer
Bangalore plain carpet.
These carpets were made in the Central Jail
by conviets who have been entirely taught in
the jail, none of them knowing anything of the
art previous to their admission. The two first
are of Persian patterns. The last is of a kind
peculiar to Mysore; it is the same on both
Indore Local Committee.
Blankets (2). “Numda.” Made at Indore.
Carpet. Made in Indore jail.
India Museum, London.
Collection of woollen fabrics from Bombay, N. W.
Provinces, the Punjab, Oudh, and Sind. (From
the London Exhibition of 1871.)
Vincent Robinson & Co., London.
Carpets (7), from Calcutta, the Punjab, Malabar,
Madras, and Kashmere. Öf these the largest is
one from Calcutta, measuring 23 ft. X 17 ft.
Rugs (6), from Sind, Malabar, and Madras.
Watson, Bontor, & Co., London.
Indian carpets (8). Of these the largest measures
22 ft. 7 in. X16 ft.
Indian rugs (15). The largest measures 8 ft. 1 in.
x4 ft.
Gregory & Co., London.
Carpets (4), from the Deccan, Northern, Southern,
and Central India. The dimensions of the largest
of these carpets are 24 ft. X13 ft. 1 in.
Indian rugs (4).
Lapworth, Brothers, London.
Carpets (2) from Tanjore and Eilore. The carpet
from Tanjore measures 23 ft. 11 in. X 17 ft. 5 in.
Indian rugs (4).
Farmer and Rogers, London.
Bornouses (16).
Do. small (12).
Madras Committee.
Rampore chudder shawl, with gold embroidered
Punjab Committee.
Rampur chaddars from the Ludhyana district.
Rampur chaddars are plain shawls or wrap-
pers of great softness and durability, made at
Ludhyana, from the wool of Rampur, the chief
town of Bishahr. The wool, which is imported
into Ludhyana in large quantities, is of exqui
site softness, almost approaching that of the
Kirmani sheep.
Cashmere shawls, from Cashmere.
Devi Sahai and Chamba Mal, Amritsar.
Rampur chaddars of various colours.
Embroidered square shawls of various colours made
of “ Malida.”
Malida is a fabric (made of shawl wool) which
has been pulled or rubbed so as to have the sur-
face felted like cloth.
Cashmere needle-worked shawls, white, grey, and
Amritsar needle-worked shawls, black and red.
Vice-regal chaddar of finest pushm, Amritsar.
Shawl pieees, “ Jamawar,” striped.
Jamawar is a sort of shawl with a pattem in
stripes, intended, as its name implies, for a gown
piece (Jama).
Ahmad Shah and Ahsan Shah, Ludhyana.
Cashmere shawls.
Kadir Bakhsh, Sabathu.
Rampur chaddars, white and dove colour.
Hamza, Sabathu.
Rampur chaddar, red.
Farmer and Rogers, London.
Shawls from Cashmere and Dacca.
Circular shawls.
Small circular shawls.
Square net shawls.