585. “ Angurkha,” “ Poonashai.” Worn by people
of Poona. Bombay.
58C. “Angurkha;” with long sleeves. Worn by
people of Poona. Bombay.
587. “Angurkha.” Worn by Parsees, Bunnias, &c.
588. “Angurkha.” Worn by Purbboos of Bombay,
&c. Bombay.
589. “Angurkha,” Worn by Kinkaree Mahome-
dans. Bombay.
590. “Angurkha,” Worn by Borahs. Bombay.
591. “Angurkha.” Worn by young people in
Bombay. Bombay.
592. 592a. “ Sayas.” Coats (3). Worn by Maho-
medans. Bombay.
593. “Jama;” robe. Worn by Bunnias, Parsees,
Purbhoos, and others of Bombay at marriages; the
Parsees use it also at funerals. Bombay.
594. “ Cholee.” Bodice used by female convicts in
Dharwar Jail. Dharwar.
595. “ Cholee.” Worn by Lumanees, or gipsy
women. Dharwar.
596. 596a. “Cholees” (2). Worn by women of
Kattyawar. Bombay.
597. “ Kutoreechee Cholee.” Worn by females of
Kattyawar, Mooltan, &c. Bombay.
The ornamentation of this bodice piece is
effected by stamping, the composition used
being a mixture of white lead, linseed oil boiled
with pitch, or some other resinous substance.
It is diffieult to ascertain the real nature of the
composition, as the manufaeturers are unwilling
to disclose the secret of making it.
598. “ Kauchlee Cholee.” Worn in Kattyawar,
Kutch, and Gujerat. Bombay.
599. “Cholee.” Worn by Hindu women of all
classes. Bombay.
600. “Cholee kudachee.” Worn by Brahmin and
other women. Bombay.
601. “ Cholee kudachee.” Worn by milkwomen of
Hindustan and Poona. Bombay.
602. 602a. “ Cholees ” (2); green and black. Worn
Hindu women. Dharwar.
603. “ Kutoree Cholee ;” gold border. Bombay.
604. “ Ghagra.” Petticoat. Worn by Lumanees of
the Carnatic. Dharwar.
605. “Ghagra.” Worn by females of Kutch, Kat
tyawar, Guzerat, Sind, &c. Bombay.
606. “Ghagras” (2). Worn by Bunnias and Ma-
bomedan women. Bombay.
607. “Ghagra,” Worn by Marwaree women.
608. “ Sootna.” Trowsers. Worn by Khoja fe
males. Bombay.
609. “ Paron.” Shirt. Worn by Marwaree women.
610. “Paron.” Worn by Khoja and Mahomedan
women. Bombay.
611. “ Chadur.” Worn by Kurkanee women in
public. Bombay.
612. “ Paron ” or “ Sudra.” Worn by Parsee fe
males. Bombay.
616. “ Angeeas ” (2). Worn by children of the Car
natic. Dharwar.
Cotton Goods from Bombay.
Gerald S. V. Fitzgerald, Bombay.
624. “ Bunnad Huchoda.” Used as a covering at
Cotton Goods from Sind.
Rangoon Committee.
634. Mosquito curtain. “ Chin Doung.” Burmah.
Cotton Goods from Berar.
Berar Local Committee.
492, 493. Samples (42) of native made cloth.
Collection of Cotton Goods contributed by the
Government of Bombay.
Bombay Committee.
494. Cord; thick white; country twist. Used for
tents and various other purposes. Sind.
495. Strings of cotton; country twist. Used for
various purposes. Sind.
496. Ropes; of sorts; country twist. Used for va
rious purposes. Dhoolia and Surat.
497- Ropes, of sorts; English and country twist.
Used for driving bullocks and other purposes.
498. Nose ropes. “ Nuthrees ” (4). Used for driv
ing bullocks ; passed through the nostrils. Dhar
499. Horn ropes. “ Hankats ” (5); attached to the
horns of bullocks for driving. Dharwar.
500. Whips. “ Koledans” (3); bullock whips.
501. Whips. “ Barkoles ” (3); bullock whips.
502. Reins. “Lugams” (3); used as reins for
horses; the portion held in the hand is also used
as a whip. Dharwar.
503. Straps (2 pairs). Used to yoke bullocks.
504. Fishing net. Khandeish.
505. Cruppers. “ Doomchees.” Used for fastening
the native saddle. Dharwar.
506. “Mukhears;” coloured. Used to protect
horses’ eyes from flies, &c. Sind.
507. Horse trappings; coloured (1 set). Made of
English twist. Sind.
508. Camelgear; coloured (1 set). Sind.
509—515. Cotton tapes; white and coloured; used
for various purposes. From Sind, Dhoolia, Dhar
war, Kattyawar, Surat, and Ahmedabad.
516. Sacking material. “ Khundadee.” Dharwar.
618. Bullock covers. “ Zooles.” Sholapoor.
639. Bullock cover. “ Zool;” Khanvar cloth.
619. Flag. “Nisham;” attached to a stick, is
carried by Hindu pilgrims. Dharwar.