13. “ Angoothi.” Ring. Worn generally by the
people of Kutch and Kattyawar.
7. “ Bickhaballies.” Earrings. Worn by men of
the lower Order.
Tray V.
1. “Rancun.” Wristlets. Worn by Hindoo and
Mahomedan wpmen.
7. “ Jalichi Bangadi.” Wristlets. Worn by Hindoo
and Mahomedan ladies.
8. “ Todas.” Wristlets. Worn by Hindoo and
Mohamedan ladies.
5. “ Poobaybar.” Necklace. Worn by Hindoos of
the higher order in Guzerat and the Decean.
9. “ Kunthee.” Necklace. Worn by Hindoos of
the higher Order in Guzerat and the Deccan.
2. Earrings.
4. “Bangadies.” Wristlets. Worn by Mahomedan
ladies generally.
3. “Bailies.” Earrings. Worn by Bhatias and
6. “ Kooda.” Ornaments. Worn by Bhatias and
10. “ Kulas.” Anklets. Worn by the women of
the lower classes in Guzerat.
Tray containing :—
Silver armlets (4 pairs).
Silver wristlets (1 pair).
Tray containing :—
Wristlets (3 pairs).
Anklets (2 pairs).
Necklaces (2).
H.H. The Rao of Kutch.
Silver gohlets (1 pair).
Silver muffineers (1 pair).
Silver tea-kettle.
Silver tray.
Silver rose water Sprinkler.
H.H. Meer Ali Morad.
A set, consisting of cup (with cover), saucer, and
spoon, in silver. From Kairpoor.
Bengal Committee.
A series of tinsel imitations of the characteristic
personal Ornaments worn by the natives of Bengal.
Presented to the Vienna Exhibition by the late
Baron Dowleans :—
1. “Jhumko-dhenri.” An earring.
“Jhumko,” the passion-flower, and “ Dhenri,”
a poppy-head; the Ornament consisting of a
string of such forms.
2. “Jasam.” An armlet.
The “Jasam” is a favourite Mahomedan
form of armlet.
3. “ Hele-hara.” A necklace.
“ Hele ” is the name of a long thin snake, to
which this Ornament bears some resemblance.
4. “ Sinti.” An Ornament for the forehead. Gene
rally worn by brides.
5. “ Gota.” A waist chain.
Worn somewhat lower than the waist: it
generally crosses the hips and loins. To it is
often attached a sinaller chain for keys, &c.
6. “ Churi.” Bracelets.
Churi are thin rings of gold, silver, lac, or
glass, worn on the wrists. Sometimes the
churi is set with jeweis.
Bengal Committee.
A collection of imitation Ornaments, made in the
Calcutta Bazaar, as follows :—
“ Kantha-mala.” Necklace.
“ Champa-kali.” Necklace.
“ Goupa-hara.” A necklace.
The necklace of the Gopis of Braja.
“ Dama-hara.” Neckchain.
“ Panchnaris ” (3). Neckchains.
“Chicks”(2). Neckchains.
“ Bala.” Bracelets (8 varieties).
The “ Bala ” is a favourite form of bracelet.
It is made both in gold and in silver, and is
sometimes jewelled.
“ Bauti.” Bracelets.
The “ Bauti ” is the most esteemed Ornament
of the Hindu lady, but it is nevertheless falling
into disuse.
“ Churi ” (2 pairs). Bracelets.
“ Dam-dam Churi.” Bracelets.
“ Baugri Churi.” Bracelets.
See note above on “ Churi.”
“Tar Churi.” Bracelets.
Formed originally of palm leaves, hence its
“ Narkal-phul.” Bracelets.
“ Mardana.” Bracelets.
“ Lavanga-kali.” Bracelets.
“ Lavanga-kali,” “ clove-buds.” A string of
small Ornaments, each one of which is of the
form of the bud of the clove-flower.
“ Tabij.” Armlets (2 varieties).
“ Tabij ” literally means to hang, and pro-
perly it is to the pendants to the armlet that
the name applies.
“ Taga.” An armlet.
“ Taga ” is literally the thread tied on as the
record of a vow to some god.
“ Murki-maduli.” An armlet.
A “ Maduli” or “ Manduli” is a small- case
for containing Yantras or charms. Its form is
generally either prismoidal or barrel-shaped.
“ Murki ” is the name given to torrefied grains
of rice used as a sweetmeat. A “ Murki-ma
duli ” Ornament is a string of murki-shaped
“ Madi.” Ear-rings.
“ Chondani.” Ear-rings.
“ Patbali.” Ear-rings.
“ Makri.” Ear-rings.
“ Tanjar.” A chain.
“ Kanta.” A hair-pin.
“ Mathar-phul.” Head Ornament.
“ Chandra-hara.” Chain worn across the hips.
“ Chandra-hara,” so called from the circular
discs or “ moons ” which form a conspicuous
part of the chain design.
“ Viche.” A chain worn across the loins.
“ Mala.” Anklets.
Silver Kooki ear-rings. (A string of champa
buds.) From Cachar.
Ornaments worn by Sonthali women. From
the Sonthal Pergunnahs.
Necklet or collar (“ hansulee ”), wrist Ornaments,
finger-ring, and anklets (“banki ”).
These Ornaments are not peculiar to the Son-
thalis. They are in use in almost all parts of
Bengal. The finger-ring is the same every-