Volltext: A classified and descriptive catalogue of the Indian department, Vienna Universal Exhibition 1873

Plan of the French Settlement of Chandernagore, on 
the River Hooghly, near Calcutta. 8 m. = 1 in. 
Cachar and Lusliai Hills with part of the Munipoor 
frontier, showing the operations of the left column, 
Lushai Expeditionary Force, 1871-72. 4 m. = 
1 in. 
Country adjoining the Chittagong Hill Tracts, em- 
bracing the field of operations of the right column, 
Lushai Expeditionary Force, 1871-72. 4 m. = 
l in. 
Maps of country round Delhi, illustrating the Camp 
of Exercise, 1872. No. 1 showing the position of 
the Standing camp. 2 m. = 1 in. 
No. 2.—Reeonnaissance of the country to the 
south of Delhi, embracing the ancient fortress 
of Toyluckabad, the Kutub, &c. 
No. 3.—Reeonnaissance of the country to the 
north of Delhi. 
Country round Hussein Abdal (Punjaub, Northern 
India), comprising the field of operations of the 
Camp of Exercise, 1872-73. Printed on cloth. 
1 m. =: 1 in. 
Country between Attock and Rawul Pindee, Pun 
jaub, comprising the field of operations of the 
Camp of Exercise, 1872-73, enlarged twice and 
printed on cloth. 2 m. = 1 in. 
Specimens of native handwriting. 
Reduction to half of quarter sheet 51, N.E. of the 
atlas of India. 8m. = l in. 
Reduction to three-fourths of quarter sheet 51, S.E. 
of the atlas of India. 6 m. = 1 in. 
Silver-filagree rose-water hottle. 
Sculpture from Cuttack. 
Copy of drawing in Sepia. 
Copy of drawing in Indian ink. 
Lushai women and pipe. 
Francesca di Rimini. 
Triumph of Christianity over Paganism. 
Sculpture in the caves of Cuttack (Khandagiri). 
Lushai woman and pipe. 
Lushai arms. 
Photographs of Indian cloths ornamented with gold 
embroidery made at Benares. 
Indian hookah. 
Photographs of Indian jewellery, including bracelets, 
necklaces, necklets, ear Ornaments, &c., as worn in 
Photographs of Utensils and silver Ornaments from 
Nepal, N. E. India. 
Photographs of antique silver Ornaments from Cut 
tack. Eastern India. 
Photograph of silver-filagree box for holding hetel, 
&c., made in Cuttack. 
The Durbar held at Kutub in honour of Sir William 
Dr. Leitner, Lahore. 
Photographs of Buddhist Temple and Idol. 
Photographs of members of tribes on and beyond 
Punjab frontier (chiefly done by Messrs. Burke 
and Baker); of Grseco-buddhistic and other sculp 
ture from Yusufzai and Swat. 
Photograph of Lahore College. 
Maps of India executed by the Trigonometrical 
A set of excellent photographs have been sent 
by the Punjab committee, which were chiefly 
done by Messrs. Burke and Baker. These photo 
graphs are naturally a very valuable adjunct to 
the collection. 
India Museum, London. 
Specimens from a fac-simile of the Mahabhashya, a 
celebrated Sanskrit grammatical work, written by 
Patanjali, in the 2nd Century B.C. Photolitho-, 
graphed by W. Griggs, Indian Museum, London. 
Photographs from all parts of India (from the 
London Exhibition of 1871). 
Bombay School of Art. 
Ten photographs. 
India Museum, London. 
Collection of photographs by Capt W. Hooper and 
Surgeon G. Western. (From the London Exhibi 
tion of 1871). 
Photographs of Flindu musicians, and of the Prin 
cipal musical instruments. (From the London 
Exhibition of 1872.) 
Photographs of native jewellery. (1872 Exhibition.) 
Photographs showing the mode in which native Or 
naments are worn. (1872 Exhibition.) 
View'S in Bombay. Photographed by Messrs. Sykes 
and Dwyur, Bombay, as follows :—• 
954. Baniantree and St. Mary’s College. (From 
the London Exhibition of 1871.) 
955. Colaba cotton green and fishing village of 
Worlee. (From the London Exhibition of 
95C. Frere fountain. Designed by R. Norman 
Shaw, Esq., and executed by W. Forsyth, Esq. 
(From the London Exhibition of 1871.) 
958. Cocoa-nut trees and Kewra bushes, and 
peepul tree. (From the London Exhibition of 
960. Arthur Crawford Market ; and Klmndalla 
from the Traveller’s Bungalow. (From the 
London Exhibition of 1871.) 
India views and landscape. Photographed by Messrs 
Bourne and Shepherd, Calcutta. (From the 
London Exhibition of 1871.) 
724 (19). A “bit” on the new road. Rogi 
726 (21). Rocky Channel of the Ganges at 
727 (22). View in Wanga valley. Himalayus. 
729 (24). Rapids on the Pjdeara, below the 
bridge. Neilgherries, Madras. 
740 (35). A quiet “bit ” near the willow bund, 
741 (36). The lake sunset from the willow 
bund. Ootacamund, Neilgherries. 
743 (38). A peep from near Bombay House. 
713 Picturesque view from Jakko, showing the 
Church, Simla. 
715 The church, &c. from the club, Simla. 
717 The Tara Devi and surrounding hills from 
Boileaugunge, Simla. 
728 Chota Simla from Jakko.


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