N.W. Provinces Local Committee.
Collection of drawings (54) on mica, illustrative of
native customs, trades, conveyances, &e. From
Ismail Khan, Delhi.
Miniatures (24) on ivory of Kings and Queens of
Miniatures (3) on ivory, of Akbar Khan, Taj Mahal,
and Gulab Singh.
Ebony box. With nine miniatures on ivory, set in
Sandal-wood box. With nine miniatures on ivory,
set in lid.
Miniature on ivory of a female figure.
Laja Lam, Delhi.
Box. With painting on ivory (10 figures), set in
Zoolpcar Ali, Delhi.
Ebony box. With picture of Kuth.
India Museum, London.
Collection of paintings from Jeypore. From the
London Exhibition of 1871.
Collections of drawings from Madras and Bengal
From the London Exhibition of 1871.
Water-eolour drawings from Madras. From the
London Exhibition of 1872.
Collections of rough oil paintings on mythological
J. L. Kipling, Bombay.
Serics of Sketches of the Craftsmen of North
Western India. (From the London Exhibition
of 1871.)
Nos. 1 to 12. Shawl Cloth (Pushmeena) Manu-
facture (4396-4435):—
1. Sikh comb cutter. Umritsur.
2. Cashmere woman carding (pushm) shawl wool.
Umritsur.—Uncleaned pushm is sold ordi-
narily at about 1 rupee per seer. In this
state it is full of long hairs, &c., which are
carefully removed by hand, and it is carded
and spun by women, who earn from 1 to 1J
annas per diem.
3. Spinning shawl wool (pushm). Umritsur.
4. A shuttle maker. Umritsur.
5. A shawl loom. Umritsur. — The pattem is
written out on a paper inserted in the gear
of the loom and recited in a sort of chant by
the leading workmen. In good times weavers
earn about 3 annas per diem, but the war
1ms almost ruined the trade.
6. A shawl loom. Umritsur.
7. Cloth finisher (Purusgar). Umritsur.
8. Cloth finisher (Purusgar). Umritsur.—Shawls,
besides heilig washed and beaten on blocks of
wood, are trampled upon vigorously. This
thickens the threads and softens the fabric.
9. Shawl embroiderers. Umritsur.— Shawls em-
broidered by the needle are mueh cheaper
than those woven on the loom.
10. Shawl embroiderers and piecers. Umritsur.—
Shawls are woven in pieees, and afterwards
sewn together.
11. Edging and beit weaver. Umritsur.
12. Silk winding for embroidering thread, edgings,
&c. Umritsur.
Nos. 13 to 18. Silver-gilt Wire Drawing for Gold
Laee and Gold Thread (Kullabatoon).
13. Silver-gilt wire drawing. Umritsur.
14. Silver-gilt wire drawing. Advanced state. Delhi
15. Silver-gilt wire drawing. Umritsur Jail.
16. Flattening silver-gilt wire. For gold lace, gold
thread, fringe, &c. Umritsur.
17. Flattening silver-gilt wire. For gold lace, thread,
fringe, &c. Delhi.
18. Kullabatoon making. Umritsur.
Nos. 19 to 25. Gold lace, braid, and fringe making.
19. Warping gold wire. Flattened for lace. Delhi.
20. Winding gold wire. For weft of gilt lace.
21. Gold lace making. Delhi.
22. Gold and silver lace making. Delhi.
23. Stamping gold and silver lace. Delhi.
24. Gold fringe making. For caps, trimming,
festival garments, &c. Delhi.
25. Gold thread and silk braid twisting. Delhi.
Nos 26 to 32. Embroiderers in Gold Thread
(Zirdoy), Jewelled Cloths, Spangles, &c.
26. Embroiderer of caps, slippers, &c. Lucknow.
27. A pattem draughtsman. Simla.—For the larger
forms a pricked paper pounce is used, and
the details are filled in with a reed pen and
lamp-black. In some kinds of work, en
graven wood blocks are used.
28. Cap and slipper embroidery. Gold thread
traced on dark grounds. Silk or velvet.
29. Gold embroidery. On velvet ground. For
throne cushions, canopies, horse-housings, &c.
30. Embroidery in gold. Elephant housings. Delhi.
31. Jewelled and spangled cloth embroidery. Delhi.
32. Jeweller setting stones. In thin silver gilt, for
jewelled cloth. Delhi.
33. A carpet loom. Umritsur Jail.—The pattem is
read aloud by a man sitting behind.
34. A carpet loom. Cawnpore.
35. A spinning wheel in the hills.
36. A loom in the hills. Blanket weaving.
37. Muslin turban weaving. Gold ends, imported
English yarn. Delhi.
38. Floor cloth. (Dhuree) weaving. Umritsur Jail.
39. Silk weaving. Umritsur.
40. Silk weaving. Agra.
41. Cleaning and opening wool for blankets with the
Pinjara. Bombay.
42. Printing in water gold size. For tinsel or gold-
leaf ornamentation over coloured cotton
prints, for wedding garments. Delhi.
43. Spangled slipper maker. Delhi.
44. Elephant housing fringe making. Coloured
silks and gold and silver thread. Delhi.
45. A potter starting the wheel. Simla.
46. A potter. Simla.
47. Painting earthenware toys. Delhi.
48. A Lucknow terra-cotta figure modeller.
49. A Lucknow terra-cotta figure modeller.
50. A silk dyer. Umritsur.
51. A dyer’s shop. Cawnpore.
52. A worker in marble inlay. Agra.
53. A worker in marble inlay. Umritsur.
54. A pearl borer. Lucknow.
55. A Bidree worker. Lucknow.
56. A wood carver. Simla.