Buddhist figure. Konch.
A beautifully carved figure. ChilUor.
A prince on horsebaok. Dapthu. ^ ^ ^
9. A beautifully carved figure. Simroun.
Large figure of Surya. Simroun.
Fine statue of Saky'a Singba. Kispa.
Fine statue of Sakya Singha. Kispa.
Large figure of Budh. Buragaon.
Fine statue of Buddha. Genjan.
Jajpore on tbe Byturni river, was at various penods,
from the 7th Century downwards, tbe residenee oiAhe
sovereigns of Orissa. The sculptures in these three
frames, except tbe two first, however, appear to belong
to tbe 12th to 14th centuries, but as the buildmg
which they once adorned was destroyed by the Ma-
bomedans, it is not easy to feel certarn as to their
10. Tbe Virgin Goddess. Vellore Pagoda.
Sculptured Capital. Kirwuttee.
Indrani. Jajpore, in Cuttack.
Indrani. Jajpore.
11. Chamunda. Jajpore. .
Upper portion of colossal figure. Jajpore.
Colossal figure. Jajpore.
12. Image of Garuda. Near Jajpore.
Lath. Near Jajpore.
Figure from the Beroja Temple. Jajpore.
Varahi. Jajpore.
The following six frames (13 to 18) eontain
examples of sculpture from all parts of India, and of
all ages except the most ancient. Tbougb none
of them individually are of the higbest dass, they
together form a good illustration of the mode in
which sculpture was applied by the Indians, and a
fair representation of its average merits.
13. Window of perforated stone. Nursapoor.
Window of perforated stone. Nursapoor.
The Great Temple. Sanctuary of the Pavillon.
Hullabeed. Mysore. By Dr. Pigou.
14. Shravana Bala Gola in Mysore. The great
Jain statue. By Captain Lyon.
Carved stone figures at Mahavellipooram.
Carved stone figures at Mahavellipooram.
Panel. Elephanta Cave. By Bom Uy Photo. Co.
Group of Mahadeo and Purwutty in the Dhumar
Lena. Elora. By Bourne and Shepherd.
15. Group of monkeys carved in stone. Mahavel
lipooram, near Madras.
Gunesh, the God of Wisdom. Mysore.
By Dr. Pigou.
Group of elephants. Mahavellipooram.
Figure of Nara Singha. From Hullabeed.
The Hunooman at Beejanuggur.
By A. C. B. Neill.
16. Ruined temple of Hallabeed. The great stone
bull. By Captain Lyon.
Colossal bull at Chamoondee. Mysore.
Colossal bull at the French rocks. Mysore.
By Dr. Pigou.
17. Idol car with stone wheels. Bunshunkuree.
By Col. Biggs.
Idol car at Chamoondee. Mysore.
Idol car. Seringapatam. By Dr. Pigou.
18. A memorial stone. Hungul.
Two sculptured memorial stones. Hungul.
Sculptured memorial stone. Hungul.
By Br. Pigou.
19 and 20 are devoted to the illustration of the
sculptures of the Sanchi Tope, and are selections
from the plates of the work on Tree and Serpent
Worship, published at the expense of the Indian
Government by the author. The Tope itself probably
dates from 250 n.c. The sculptures of the gate-
ways here illustrated appear all to belong to the
first Century of our era.
This Tope is situated near Bilsah in the native
state of Bhopal in Central India.
19. Front view of eastern gateway. Sanchi. _
Front view of northern gateway. Sanchi.
Eastern view of Tope. Sanchi. _
Northern view of Tope. Sanchi.
Photo, by Lieut. Watcrhouse.
20. Rear view of northern gateway. Sanchi.
Rear view of eastern gateway. Sanchi.
Ruins of Western gateway. Sanchi.
Ruins of Western gateway. Sanchi.
Chaitya Hall. Sanchi.
Sculptures on eastern gateway. Sanchi.
Ruins of Vihara. Sanchi.
Photo, by Lieut. TVaterhouse
21 to 24 are illustrations of the Amravati Tope, and
are likewise selections from the plates of the work
onTree and Serpent Worship. They belong prinei-
pally to the 4th Century of our era; a few may
be a Century older, and some extend down to about
the year 500.
Amravati is situated on the banks of the river
Kistnah about 70 miles from its mouth, in the
Madras presidency.
21. Elevation of external face of outer enclosure.
Elevation of internal face of outer enclosure.
Elevation of internal faces of two pillars of
outer enclosure. Amravati.
Elevation of internal faces of two pillars of
outer enclosure. Amravati.
Elevation of internal faces of two pillars of
outer enclosure. Amravati.
Fragments of internal frieze of outer enclosure.
Fragments of internal friezes of outer enclosure.
Amravati. Photo, by TV. Griggs.
22. Amravati tope. Bas-relief representations of
the Tope itself from the sculptures of the
inner enclosure. By TV. Griggs.
23. Fragments of sculptures. Amravati.
By TV. Griggs.
Fragments of sculptures. Amravati.
B By TV. Griggs.
Restoration of a portion of inner enclosure.
Amravati. By TV. Griggs.
24. Amravati Tope. Bas-relief representations of
the Tope itself from the sculptures of the
inner enclosure. By TV. Griggs.