Volltext: A classified and descriptive catalogue of the Indian department, Vienna Universal Exhibition 1873

10. Oxydulous iron ore, magnetic in arenaceous rock, 
decaying into red Oxide, from the Bababooden 
11. Argillaceous iron ore, Ellavanasore Talook, 
roasted and coarsely powdered. 
12 and 13. Graphite, 14 miles N.E. of Trevandrum, 
found in latente at4 or 5 feet depth. 
14. Galena ore from Cattoor on the banks of Pen- 
niar near Cuddapah. 
15. Copper ore, eollected in the Jagheer of Garmana- 
pentah, Nellore district. 
IC. Potstone, granulär massive, Chittoor. 
17- Corundum, Sholaseremanee. 
18. Corundum, Byrahpoot, Guntoor. 
19. Quartz rock, fine green colour with laminae of 
mica. West of Neemkul, Rydroog Talook. 
20. Baltimorite, a variety of Serpentine from Salem. 
21. Magnesite, carbonate of magnesia frotn near 
22. Lithographie limestone from Kurnool. 
23. Crystalüne marble from behind village of Dateha- 
pully, Guntoor. 
24. Serpentine found in ceded distriets, Bellary. 
J. T. Longley, Salem. 
Nine Specimens of Ores from Salem Talook, 
1. Steel ore. 
2. Chromate of iron. 
3. Iron ore. 
4. 5. Scorice. 
6. Oxydulous ore, magnetic, from Canjamalay. 
7. Iron ore, found in river Kompandumpathy. 
8. Nodules of smelted iron. 
9. Octahedral crystals of iron ore. 
Amritsar Local Committee. 
Specimens of Pärä or Simäb (Mercury), Gil-i- 
Armani (Armenian bole), Sankhya (arsenic), Loha 
Mandi, and Loha Guleri (Mandi and Guler iron), 
Surma (antimony), and other mineral ores and 
Dr. Leitner. Labore. 
Stones, samples of gold dust, &c. from Tibet and 
Gilgit valley. 
Central Provinces Committee. 
Specimens of copper ore, haematite, and other iron 
ores, smelted iron, talc, and yellow and white ochres. 
The Local Committee remarks :—“ All these ores 
“ command but a local market, and being found in 
“ wild parts of the province, the cost of transport 
“ to a seaport would be more than their value per 
“ ton.” 
Mysore Local Committee. 
Specimens of charcoal, iron, and Wootz steel. 
Indore Local Committee. 
Sample of iron ore. 
Madras Committee. 
Specimens of salt from the South Arcot District; 
specimens of earth salt, and earth from which the 
salt is obtained from Kurnool. 
Amritsar Local Committee. 
Specimens of Kharya Mitti (clialk), Gandhak 
(sulphur), Shora Kalmi (saltpetre), Pasham sang 
(jade stone), Sajji (carbonate of soda), Billur (rock 
crystal), Hasandhup (adeposit from a mineral spring 
containing sulphur ; the Sediment is eollected and 
made into cakes); samples of salt and other mi- 
Dr. Leitner. Lahore. 
Specimen of salt from Kheora mines. 
The Indian Government derives a considerable 
income from the Kheora mines. In its vicinity 
there is a mountain of gypsum, out of which, in its 
natural state, cups, &c. are manufactured, of which 
two specimens have been sent to Vienna. 
Rangoon Local Committee. 
Specimen of jade, specimens of sapphire and ruby 
Berar Local Committee. 
Samples of the sahne deposits found in Lake 
Madras Committee. 
Collection of mining and metallurgical tools, mo- 
dels, &c. from Salem, as follows :—- 
Models of native furnaces for smelting iron and 
steel, tongs' and bellows used in smelting iron, and 
instrumenta for breaking and digging iron ore. 
Colonel Priestley, Superintendent of the Revenue 
Survey Department, Madras. 
Specimens of typographical maps, revenue survey 
maps, village maps, and plans of towns referring to 
various parts of the Madras Presidency. 
India Museum, London. 
Relief map of India, reduced half-size from map 
originally prepared by R. Montgomery Martin. Pre- 
pared by W, Griggs at the India Museum.


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